The absolute most error prone and difficult task I have ever encountered when posting to a forum (especially a Yahoo forum) is to post photographs. I know that this is really not something that has anything to do with Toyota or Prius, but I don't know where else to turn. Today, for example, I was trying to post a series of photos about Prius foglights. The first thing I did was to actually take the photos, store them on my hard drive, and then upload them to Photobucket. Then I started a PriusChat post and began using the IMAGE command to put these photos in my post. Midway through the process (after putting several photos in my post), I clicked on the IMAGE icon and entered the URL location for the next photo. Instead of getting the photo, I got a message saying: THIS IMAGE OR VIDEO HAS BEEN MOVED OR DELETED. I went back to the Photobucket website to check, and all of my photos are still there. What happened? Anybody know?
I know this sounds like a silly question, but are you sure that you copied the right URL? Did you right click on the picture in Photobucket and get the URL from there? (versus copying it from your browser's address bar) That's about the only thing I can think of that would cause that to happen... Bryan
I posted a photo in a PC thread last week from Photobucket; it worked fine. Like bps, I have to wonder if it's an issue with the URL you're pasting into your post. Good luck!
Thank you both. Actually what I did was COPY the URL for each picture and then paste it into the PriusChat IMAGE box of the post I was working on. This worked fine for a while, but then I started getting that error message about the image being moved or deleted. Finally I gave up, canceled the post, went to the Photobucket web site, deleted all of my photos there, and then uploaded fresh copies of my photos to Photobucket. After that I was able to post my photos. I probably did something wrong, perhaps what you suggested, but the fresh copies did the trick. During all of this, I said a few choice words.
I don't use Photobucket, but I thought I remembered something about redirects. If you copy/paste from the address bar it'll work for a while, but then the site later changes the address...but if you copy/paste the "share" URL from a different part of the screen it stays permanently?
Ok, logged into my Photobucket account to try a few things If you hover the cursor over an image you have uploaded, a popup appears with different options. You'll notice IMG, click on that box and the text inside is highlighted Do Ctrl C to copy the text, then paste it here, such as and you see a cute photo of my cats
Jim, Another way to post photos on PriusChat is to first upload and create a Photo Album on PriusChat. Then you can post an individual photo from your PriusChat Photo Album by opening the photo, and copying and pasting the photo's BB Code which is located on the bottom of the open photo. As time goes on, you can keep adding new photos to your PriusChat Photo Album (I think the current limit is 100 photos). Personally, I prefer this method for posting photos on PriusChat.
My method for uploading photos consists of first resizing the photo to something like 640X480 and saving a copy (never overwrite your original). Then I use the "Manage Attachments" button that opens a pop-up where I can select each photo to upload. The reason I re-size is to save Danny's disk space.
I think that if you upload a photo into a PriusChat Photo Album, it will automatically re-size the photo to fit PriusChat's limits. But if you post a photo as an attachment (Manage Attachments), you have to re-size it yourself if it exceeds PriusChat's limits to upload as an attachment. I prefer the Photo Album method because it's much easier -- it re-sizes the photo automatically and after you copy and paste the BB Code into your post, the photo appears full size in the post itself. With Manage Attachments, you have to re-size the photo yourself and then attach the photo to your post as a thumbnail (which you can then insert full size into the post itself, but this requires a few more steps ... preview the post, open the thumbnail, copy the URL and paste it in between the bracketed "[IMGLINK]" and "[/IMGLINK]". But lately, I've been using Manage Attachments more frequently because I'm approaching the 100 photos limit in my Photo Album. I wonder if the 100 photos limit is per Photo Album or per User.