Well I just got done having everything installed & I am very happy with the results. If you live in the DC area and need a very good installer (who will travel to you), contact Jermaine@ 571.220.5003. I had to give him a plug because he took his time, made sure to check with me about every step and of course he didn't damage a single thing in the car. I will try to break this down as easy as possible. PARTS: 1. FOUR Power Acoustik NB-1 Tweeters 2. FOUR [FONT="]Polk Audio db 651s 6-1/2" Slim 2-way Speakers 3. [/FONT] [FONT="]Bazooka BTA10250D 10" 250 Watt Powered Subwoofer 4. [/FONT] [FONT="]Bazooka RBCM-250D Remote Bass Control for BTA 250/250DE 5. [/FONT] [FONT="]EFX Amplifier Wiring Kit 10-g 10-gauge 250-watt w/Patch Cord 6. As comes with ordering from Crutchfield...Toyota Wire Harnesses & Speaker Brackets for the 4 door speakers Basic Procedure: All four door speakers (the 6x9's in the front and the 6.3's in the rear) were replaced with the Polk speakers. This was to try to obtain slightly better sound as the stock speakers are just utter crap. As you can see in the pics, the two front tweeters were installed in the A-pillar and they run off of the wiring for the REAR squakers. This was done so that these tweeters won't affect the Bluetooth playback whatsoever (from the driver's side squaker). The rear tweeters were mounted within the same area as the rear squakers. Therefore I did not replace those speakers at all, partly because I didn't want to mess with the front dash & also because for what little they do it wasn't worth the extra effort. The Bazooka is a powered sub with a Class D amp. This unit doesn't weigh much and comes with straps that can be mounted. I chose NOT to mount them as that would create issues with taking up the carpeting and the such. I simply attached the strap to the child seat bars behind the seats and it is 100% secure. The remote bass control was mounted in the lower console bin, and is accessible but relatively hidden as seen by the pics. I have the head unit programmed to: Bass-3, Mid-5, Treble-2. And the front/back to Rear-1. I am definitely loving the sound, and without dropping the whole bank I think this is a nice upgrade. Since people will ask, the total cost of parts/install was: $845. [/FONT]
Looks good. Glad your happy with it. Wish I was closer to take a listen. Congrats! Your car is really coming together. Enjoy it.
As I was looking at the Power Acoustik site just now I noticed this: http://www.poweracoustik.com/pa2006/product_AUDIO_wof_thin13.html It should fit in the cargo tray just fine & would be a great option for those who want a sub that takes up no cargo space yet doesn't require custom fabrication.
After several days & tinkering with the sub, I am definitely very pleased with the new sound. I will say that the absolute best bang-for-the-buck would be to add the 4 tweeters & a Bazooka (I only say Bazooka because for a sub/amp combo that the amp is Class D, you can't beat the price) and that be it. Such little output (mids) come out of the door speakers that it would be best to leave them alone. The benefit of replacing the door speakers is that my new ones vibrate/rattle the doors a lot less and the rear view mirror vibration is now greatly reduced when playing the stereo at moderate levels.