New Civil War pictures released by the library of congress (some graphic images)
Graphic, but very much "real." Before we became modern, fat, happy, and lazy, things like disease, high mortality, and death from violence were common facts of life
These are amazing. I have a picture of my great grandfather. He went to war as a Yankee from Vermont with his 2 brothers. One brother died of wounds and the other died of disease. This was a terrible time for the US, it definitely made us stronger.
Thanks for sharing. The Civil War is never far from my mind, given where I live. I found the pictures from Petersburg particularly interesting; for a school project in 7th grade I built a model of the Battle of Petersburg after the explosion.
It's hard to imagine the horrors of that period in our history, having been to several of those sites and knowing what they look like today, it's quite sobering to see what happened there in the past. Also, imagine the role of the photographer back then, no 35MM, no roll film, but view cameras on tripods probably photographing on glass plates and developing them in a tent with battles going on and the smell of gun powder and death heavy in the air.
Fantastic photos. I love looking at old photos of that period. Did anyone notice the Prius parked on F Street in Washington DC? It was hard to spot, but if you look carefully you'll see it. Not sure if it had NAV or not.
That was their coal-powered version. One had to shake the clinkers from the motor every 2,000 miles or 3 months