actually Rene, you are harder to classify. even here on PC, there are few people here that have gone as "green/organic" as you have. nearly all of us do something to reduce our carbon footprint but you have done so much in so many different ways, its hard to categorize. not sure if we can label you as "apothecary" or as a...umm, ahh, "naturist"... sorry, lost my train of thought... your signature line is distracting and daniel, you remind me of my neighbor back in CA. he was taught Sociology at UC-Riverside. he had a way of taking any subject in unpredictable directions. but i would tend to label you as "the debater"
I've always thought of Daniel as the resident Utopian. I enjoy the bluntness by which he seeks the perfect without getting bogged down by the intracacies of harsh reality. (I mean that as a compliment Daniel, not a criticism)
Guilty conscience? Everything I'm guilty of is public record. I've been convicted and I served my time and I'm unrepentant. But would you want a bear hug from a guy who describes himself as built like a line-backer? Yeah, that's probably me. Sigh! I'd like to think so, but "curmudgeon" is probably closer, since I don't actually have any morals any more. Hey, Rene is the easiest one here to classify. She's done it herself: Resident witch. Hmmm. You sure you're not just being polite?
"I'd like to think so, but "curmudgeon" is probably closer, since I don't actually have any morals any more." You lie! (to quote Joe Wilson). Everyone has morals, some just don't have good ones. The definition of morals is: an individual standard of right or wrong. You're honest...I call that a good moral trait.
I no longer believe in right and wrong. There are actions that annoy me, such as war and littering and kicking puppies. There are actions that please me, such as generosity and kindness. But I no longer consider those as "right" and "wrong." I make an effort to be honest because honesty pleases me, not because it's "moral." I used to have morals. I believed that killing people or animals was objectively "wrong" and "immoral." Twenty years ago I'd have said some very unfriendly things to you if you eat meat. But not more than one person in ten thousand agrees with me, and who am I to say that I am right and everyone else is wrong? Most people believe that it's not immoral to kill in self defense; and I have friends who are good and kind and upright people who eat meat. Either those people, along with 99.99% of Americans are evil, or there is no such thing as "moral" and "immoral." Humans have a strong sense of "right" and "wrong," but it is entirely subjective. That's why there is so much disagreement about what constitutes moral and immoral behavior. I have come to recognize that morality is purely subjective, and I have rejected morality and immorality as categories. I still give money to panhandlers and charity, I tip service providers well, I pay my cleaning lady more than her normal rate, I treat people with respect, I advocate progressive social reforms, and I try to be honest. But these are not "moral" actions. They are just choices that please me. I do what pleases me, and I try to avoid what I think might hurt me, just as everyone else does. If I was "moral" I'd live according to the precepts of that Jesus guy, who said we should love our enemies and give away everything we own, keeping only one shirt and one pair of pants.
i guess we're not as active around the tech stuff as we used to be, life got in the way. we were the PC insiders to the dealer repair shop, reporters from the front lines, and takers of interesting tech pictures (old/broken parts taken apart, shots from major repairs, etc). now we're the occasional how-to-guide posters. and the new people have no idea who galaxee is
The reason those actions please you, is that you believe they are the "right" thing to do. (which again, is the definition of morals). Even a criminal has morals, just bad ones. Everyone categorizes right and wrong in their own conscience (and subconscience). Where the line is drawn is dependant on the individual and their upbringing. Hyo = The hit and run one liner. (Nearly all of your posts are a single line, ingeniusly posted at just the right time, saying just the right thing.)
Oh, now I know why your morals seem right to me! I'm at least a pessimistic cynic, too! But did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic insomniac who lies awake at night, staring at the ceiling, wondering if there really is a dog?
I thought that was the entire POINT, to cut down on bandwidth demand?? Anyhoo, MSantos is always welcome at my home, to indulge in his favorite barley pop John would probably be fun, and Evan .... I just can't wait to get him drunk and have him stagger around the living room with a lampshade on his head I guess you're not very "touchy feely." However, I actually DO draw the line on bear hugs while in a locker room shower Unless said locker room is co-ed I've had a couple of girlfriends call me that. Honestly, not sure why ... perhaps I shouldn't have gotten their names mixed up during an intimate moment "Oh Jill .... I mean Mary!" SLAP Actually, the key term I use to describe myself is "bald gorilla." Would you rather get a bear hug from a mime? I like it!