My 2010 Prius package II didn't come with a rear-view camera. I got an estimate from an installer who quoted: $275 for an OEM Sony rear-view camera, $100 for a generic 7 inch monitor, and $120 for installation. Does this quote sounds reasonable? Any suggestions for a cheaper solution?
Thanks for the advices but I want the factory look. There's a slot above the license plate area where the camera is suppose to go. I told the installer that I wanted it there. Can I chop off the wireless camera frame and glue only the camera to this spot?
Yes you can - that's what I did when installing this in my Lexus RX. Simple to hacksaw off the plastic sides. I did that and glued it to the underside of the hatch handle. Was going to do that in the Prius -same spot as where the OEM camera goes, but had a vanity license plate that I wanted to cover the top, and the camera covers it perfectly.
Look around for "toyota camry" camera on EBay - it appears to be the same... I bought this one Rear View Reversing Wide Angle Backup IR Camera h593 - eBay (item 350125551920 end time Oct-09-09 20:39:58 PDT) because it looks like it will also fit the Prius camera hole, and it has better specs (IR for night). It arrives in a few days.
rrolff: I followed the link and the seller is based in China. I've always been skeptical about products from China on Ebay. How is the camera working out for you?
DeanFL: Amazon is selling the model that you have for $95.99 and the cable for $19.49. I do think this is the most economical way to go, but the 3.5" monitor is a bit small. My Garmin is 4.3 inch and I've always wanted something bigger. How is the 3.5" monitor working out for you?
Backup camera for 2010 Prius package II update: After much research, this is my list: $275 OEM Sony backup camera, $263 Garmin Navi 5000 with video input (5.2-Inch), and $120 installer's labor. I will post pictures of the project soon.
The wireless may seem good, but i've heard cell phones and other devices may cause interference with the reception. have you thought of doing a wire one to the rear view mirror? like the one from Gentex for example. good luck
The thing is, the wired installation has you run about 15 feet of composite video cable, so you aren't going to get a great picture either way.
Wired composite video is shielded. Video cable can go much further than this without degradation. I do appreciate the convenience of wireless. It took significant effort to run the wires!