My wife let me drive her Gen III blizzard pearl this morning and when backing out of a parking spot I managed to strike the protruding trailer hitch of an old pickup truck parked behind me. Should have got that backup camera option! This put a small tear (1/4" dia) in the lower right edge of the Prius bumper. Hopefully won't be noticeable after a clever body shop guy finishes with it. Question: Is the bumper material (liner) made of aluminum or steel? I've seen several references to Gen II being aluminum, but what about Gen III? Jim PS: My wife was with me when this happened: Ouch!!
Here are two pictures of my 2010 Prius after a similar incident. Hope you feel better. I will leave the damage alone, so that it can remind me to be more careful next time. BTW: I will be installing an aftermarket backup camera soon.
That's about a $655 repair. I'm waiting on a new bumper cover for my Blizzard Pearl from where my wife was bumped from behind.