I went to Costco yesterday and wanted to replace four tires on my 2004 Prius. When I told the guy in Tire center that I want to use 195/60/15 instead of the standard, he said no because Costco's policy only allow them to install the factory standard? He asked me to go somewhere else if I wanted to do that tire upgrade. Can somebody confirm that there is no way to ask for 195 tires @Costco? Can you tell me how if there is a trick? Thanks lot!
I have also noticed that Costco tire center policy is very conservative, hence they will only install the exact tire size speced for your vehicle.
That's correct. Costco Tire Center policy will not allow tire installation aside the factory standard. You should ask costco tires center CS that the exact tire recommended from the costco website. Get a print out from the website. Do not mention the word "upgrade".
Thank you. But the problem is costco's website only has "standard" option for Prius 2004-2007. What else can I do?
If you are determined to purchase a non-standard size, then what is wrong with buying from another tire retailer?
Costco's policy described above is classic CYA from their legal dept. If you really must have the size tire that they will not install why not buy the tires and have them installed across the street at some anything goes tire shop?
We had no trouble going from the standard size to the 195 on our 2007 at Costco. Their computer system allows (I recollect) a 5% variance from stock. By going from 190/60 to 195/65 (or was it the other way around?), it was within the parameters, and so they changed them out with no problem.
While the policy is the same at every Costco, the practice is not. I had trouble purchasing tires for a Geo Storm at one Costco. They didn't stock the high performance tire for my model (what a joke!), and were not allowed to downgrade to the tire used on the smaller engined version. I went to another Costco, and they never mentioned any problem.
I'll bet if you took your rims to Costco (whatever you're running) & asked for what ever tire size you wanted (tell 'em you're using 'em on a home made tractor trailer ) ... they wouldn't have an issue. .
You can just buy the tires from Costco and have them installed by the gas station mechanic. I did the same time ago as Costco refused to install a set of Michelins on my 4 cylinder 93 Camry because they are not H rated.