Wife heard these guys last weekend bashing 2010 Prius and their owners. She wanted to call but figured they would harass her so did not. Host has one to review. The guy with the deep voice is the local Ford dealer. Suspect there is a bit of jealousy involved. Toyota dealer sold over 200 cars in the clunker program and he did less than 40. Any way, they hate the Prius. Basically only a girlie man or "greenie weenie" would own a Prius. Stream will be up this week,,, lots of drivel so fast forward through it. 1st hr 9:20 - 13:80 , 19:05 -22:00 , 38:20 - 40:30 2nd hr 2:00 - 16:00 , 26:00 -31:30 KTBB.com - Audio Downloads!
Prime example of two guys trying to prove their manhood in order to, ahem, compensate for something. Real men drive whatever they want.
Driving a Prius is good money management. If the vehicle solves my needs in other ways and saves me money, I could care less that it's not a Lexus, BMW, Jag, SUV, or a 100% green horse cart. I didn't buy it solely to be green. I bought it to save cash and be a tool to get me around town and to work and back. I'm smiling all the way to the bank and spending my $$ on what I want to spend it on. Everyone has their own reasons why they bought a Prius and each is just as important to them. I didn't listen to it because their opinions mean nothing to me.
There are two points that comes to my mind when faced with guys (anyone) with this attitude. Having read through the thread about what people do for a living; there are a lot of very smart people here who do not need to be concerned about what anyone else thinks of our choice of cars, or anything else. And, we are contributing significantly less to our trade deficit by not buying as much gasoline/crude oil, thus reducing the profits of Middle-East oil that could get syphoned off to support extremists and terrorists. What are these car show hosts doing to contribute to keeping the world safe from extremists who want to wipe us out just because they don't like the American way of life, or they didn't have the luck of chance to be born here? --TK
I don't consider myself a "weenie" or a "girlie man"! I can tell you, if Ford or anyone else offered a car with a hatch back, fold down seats, reasonable mileage AND fit in my garage, I would have considered it! Prius was the only vehicle I considered to replace our Lexus RX! BTW, folks in the SD Black Hills don't particularly care what Texas car dealers think of them!
Everyone blames the people who buy foreign cars when the real reason is the american manufactures don't have the cars I want to buy. Match the mileage, quality, workmenship, cargo space and price and I will buy one. The US has to pay more attention to whats going on. I don't how GM got to the position other than stupidity and greed.
I read something a couple weeks ago where "foreign" car makers make a good number of cars in the US, and US car makers make their cars outside of the US eg: Canada & Mexico. In terms of how the three main US auto makers got into trouble was greed, stupidity, and a loss of reality.
Hard to believe how passionate both sides are about the Prius. Haters and Lovers. I understand those that love it. I really struggle how anyone can hate it. How do you justify an argument that you hate a car that is roomy and economical to operate???
I guess the car attacks their livelihood. It's the antithesis to what they've always known and grown up with. The car exposes them for everything that they are and they feel violated so they feel they have to retaliate to make themselves feel better.
I am on my second Prius and remain amazed at the amount of misinformation that surrounds our cars and us as drivers. People don't feel a need to confront someone because they drive a convertible or an SUV/truck...not even if you drive a Hummer!! But they love to harass the Prius owners. I recently saw the doc "The Last Truck" on HBO. It was about the closing of a GM truck plant in Ohio. "American" car makers continue to make an inferior product that people who have money don't want. People who have the money to purchase vehicles want more technology, convenience, innovations...not the same old schtick! I just smile at them as I fill my car in just a couple minutes and for less than a third of what they just put into their vehicles. I wave at them as I go by the repair shops, smog places and such.
Wow, you have got to be kidding me. I can't believe I'm hearing what is coming out of those peoples mouths. I left a little email to them about how upset I am. I advise you guys to do so as well. KTBB.com - Contact Us
Why would any Prius owner get upset over such a thing? If they have problems, let them have problems. Don't humor them by getting upset at them.
You realize that by even bothering to get off your nice person to care, you've effectively helped them achieve their goal: to get attention (ratings!). +1e1000000 This. Want to do something? Stop listening to them and all the stations that their parent company (wikipedia: The stations are currently owned by Gleiser Communications, LLC) own - KTBB, KEES, and KYZS. Stop buying from the companies that advertise with them. Vote with your feet and your dollar.
Whats ironic is that all the electronics in US car is made in a foreign country. I would bet that better than 50% of parts in a US car is supplied by foreign countries.
The guy was complaining about the Prius because his wife loved it. How threatening is that to an insecure guy? His wife would rather be with a Prius than with him. Actually I am guessing she would rather be with a funeral director than this bore.
Unfortunately, those guys are making you guys look like you are. Obviously each batch has some bad ones. There are some idiotic Prius drivers and there are some idiotic Mustang drivers. It's the association (like how all Prius drivers are smug and think they're goody two shoes)