A white 2005 Prius pkg #4 was successfully delivered at 4 PM EST on June 11. Baby and parents are fine. Don't expect any more new arrivals for awhile!
[font=Comic Sans MS:606b7f2cb0]Congratulations, EmilyJohn! Now the fun you've been having on PriusChat will pay off as you learn how precocious your new baby really is.[/font:606b7f2cb0]
Congrads Emily/John on your new baby. Love your choice of color on your new arrival. I'm thinking of ordering a 2006 White Prius myself so I can see why you are so with your new Prius. Regards, Terry
Congrats on your arrival...that's the exact Prius I'm looking at for pickup on 6/21...I'm also considering the Silver...haven't absolutely decided as of today...you must be loving life right about now :mrgreen:
Terry and Hybrid Dave, Thanx for the congrats. The reason we chose the white is for safety; it's the most visible color. You don't see that many of them. Don't hesitate to choose white; the Prius wears white very well. It's a pretty car. Good luck!