Reading on several threads about the power modes and trying to get the best MPG - what is the trend among Prius drivers? does this reflect Toyota's wishes to offer different driving experiences with the different modes?
I stay in ECO mode unless traffic or safety demands that I move quicker. So far I've really only needed PWR three times for short duration and they've all been on-ramps.
Although I use "ECO," mostly I maintain speed using cruise control, even in the city. Near as I can tell, none of the modes changes cruise control behavior. Bob Wilson
Same here, but the situation where I use power mode is changing lanes from a slow moving one to a fast-moving HOV lane.
I can envision your exact scenario. We stayed in Manassas for a week last year driving back and forth into DC and the surrounding area daily. Though the traffic was heavy (fully expected), I actually enjoyed it because everyone seemed to know "how" to drive in heavy traffic. Refreshing! That's not true in many places. Now I'm hungry for Legal Seafood again.
I typically use "ECO" mode all the time, except for getting on to the Interstate On Ramps, and when I need to make quick acceleration count with oncoming traffic in a turn that is 45MPh+. That works nice to get me into the traffic flow quickly without getting a "finger" in my mirror....
ECO as the default unless the situation requires otherwise (e.g. short onramp or steep hill, then I'll be in PWR Mode)
What's with "normal" mode, I always drive in eco, and thought I had to use either ev, eco or power. How do you set up to drive with no mode enabled??? Edmcm
Please explain to this dummy how you change modes. When you say power button or eco button I have only a power on button on 2005
If in eco or power mode just push that button a second time and it will go into normal mode. Push it again and you go into that mode again.
PWR disables itself when you turn off the main power switch but ECO is persistent unless you intentionally switch it off by pressing the ECO switch again or switching to PWR. If neither ECO or PWR are enabled, the mode is considered "normal." Some are debating whether there is any real difference between the modes other than pedal sensitivity. I personally use PWR all the time so I have the juice instantly if I need it in traffic, but that comes with a requirement to use a light foot the rest of the time to achieve ECO-like mileage. I'm actually beating my best ECO numbers by a little. Haven't tried normal mode yet.
A 2005 doesn't have any driving modes. The POWER you're referring to is to start/stop the car. The PWR Mode button we're referring to is a separate button that changes the feel of the accelerator and changes the way the hybrid system responds to it. The other models are ECO and EV Drive mode. If nothing is selected, it'll run in the default driving setup.
Here are the buttons we are referring to: I used to use ECO exclusively, but now I leave it in normal. I use ECO only when in true stop and go traffic. I have been getting 4mpg more using normal believe it or not. I think using normal I accellerate up to speed a bit faster but then glide quite a bit more than when i was using ECO where I used to stay in battery too long and end up just draining it too much... I use PWR if getting on a short ramp to a highway, on hills/mountains or when i want to jumo off the line a little bit...
That's not mine, it is an image I used from the net... It is probably from a right hand drive vehicle.
I think I tried Power mode once to check it out but other than that it has been ECO since I picked it up.