I'm getting a scheduled maintenance error. Was it the same ratings as Monday? Were the side tests results posted? I was told those might go up as early as today as well.
Frontal and rollover only- both get 4 stars. I started a new thread on this topic- would be interested in you comparing the 2009 to the 2010- since you seem very knowledgeable on the subject.
I can see them now also. In eyeballing the results, it definitely appears that the chest numbers were the ones keeping it from a 5-star rating. Had they been in the lower 40s, there are other models with similar head and leg numbers that have 5-star ratings. I am pretty sure that the leg numbers used to be only for reference and did not even factor into the star-rating. I'm not sure if that is still true or not. There's also the issue of the knee airbag. Airbags can actually increase measured numbers if the occupant would not have otherwise struck part of the interior. On the other hand, they would tend to greatly reduce the numbers in more severe impacts where they prevent the occupant from striking the steering wheel, dash or knee area. Of course, there's no way to be certain what effect the 2010 knee airbag had, since there are too many other variables between the driver and passenger side and the 2009 to 2010 ratings. In general, leg injuries are not usually fatal anyway, and these would be the least of my concerns, personally. Otherwise, I don't think there is much difference between the 2010 and 2009 frontal crash results. Both were 4-stars. The 2009 had slightly better chest scores and slightly worse head scores. Pick your poison;-)
The side impact tests are now posted also. 5-stars front, 4-stars rear. The head numbers are very impressive and the pelvis numbers are good, too. The thoracic trauma number for the rear seat is what kept it from a 5-star rating, and not by too much. It looks like you need somewhere under 60 or so to cross the threshold, depending on exactly how they weight the results. As for the front crash results, I scanned through more models to get an idea where the thresholds are. I would guess that both the driver and passenger side would have received a 5-star frontal crash test result if the chest numbers had been 45 or lower, rather than 47/48. I am pretty sure leg numbers still do not factor into the rating. Really, I think the results are not bad overall, but I am slightly disappointed with the 4-star results. Attached are the results in case they pull them again.
I have to disagree. I drive a 1998 Toyota Corolla that was purchased new. I've yet to get in an accident aside from a slight dent driving on ice, but I have been in a lot of close calls...close calls that were sometimes inches off. If I had a bigger car, I might not be here right now. Although I do agree with the majority of you that are disappointed with the 4-star rating, it's hard for me to agree with the "bigger is better" mentality. Having said that, the Toyota Prius is not the car for me despite fuel-efficiency being a huge deal. Safety trumps all. I'm really disappointed with the rating. I'm also not too optimistic about the test results for the Nissan Leaf. I might have to test drive that Subaru Impreza Outback Sport after all. It weighs only 40 pounds more than the Prius, same width, 2 inches less in length, and got perfect scores.
Just to follow up with my previous comment, I used to drive my dad's Lexus RX every now and then. I did not feel safer. I couldn't see the cars that were to my right! Am I the only one without X-Ray vision? How can you feel comfortable with that huge blind spot? I never understood SUVs. Maybe I just have a trust issue with mirrors.
Agreed- crash protection is very important, but it isn't the only factor in safety. Braking, handling, visibility and other features are all very important, too.
Somehow, NCAP (safercar.gov) website took all the 2010 Prius data out, check it out: Safercar.gov May be there is some mistake.
Good thing I took a screenshot of the results last time. Learned my lesson lol. Who knows, maybe they will be revised. More likely, maybe they are just updating some of the errors in the feature list.
You must me shorter than I ... because @ 6'-5" I find no issue. My wife (5'-8") has mentioned some blind spot issue if the side view mirrors aren't just right. which version do you have? There are 3 you know.