General ramblings: observations after long trip

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by FaFa, Jun 12, 2005.

  1. FaFa

    FaFa New Member

    Sep 30, 2004
    Crystal Lake, IL 60014
    Just some observations after a long road trip.

    Viewings of other Prii were much more frequent, two or three every day, as compared to a trip last Feb in which the only sighting was one pre 2004 model.

    The seats, which I had mis-givings about for a long trip, seemed to be much better than I expected. No more fatigue than in a Honda Accord or Jeep Grand Cherokee.

    The performance was outstanding. On inter-states set the cruise at 72 and got about 48 MPG. This was with two people plus luggage. What was really great was the hill climbing. Handled W.Va's 7% to 9% grades with no problem. And the mysterious B positiion came in very handy on the long down hill sides of the mountain.

    I have the GPS system and it came in very handy when going through strange cities and for finding hotels and restaurants. The soothing voice of the GPS companion deserved a name so after much thought I cristened he Penelope "Penny" for short. Has anyone else named their companion? Maybe there should be a contest of sorts for a Miss Prius.

    The only negative was that the car was a little twitchy going through a thunder storm with gusting winds in the 40 to 50 MPH range. The head winds also cut the milage about 5 MPG.

    Over all I love the car even more after the trip, in fact my wife is getting jealous of Penny.
  2. BrettDanKen

    BrettDanKen Junior Member

    Jun 4, 2004
    San Diego
    My wife named her "the b--ch". With me ignoring some of her instructions, it seems like another nagging backseat driver in the car.....yuk....... I too, love the Prius, even the extra female.
  3. Hatfield

    Hatfield New Member

    Feb 20, 2005
    San Diego, CA, US
    She's called Martina... short for Martina NAVratilova.