My wife was driving our car yesterday on the streets near our home. The car just died and she was able to coast to a stop. It would start but when you put it in gear it was just die. The red triangle can on and the Hybird symbol came on in the MFD. It has 26,000 miles on it and to date has been just great. We had it taken to the Toyota Dealership that we bought it. They called late yesterday afternoon and asked me some questions on the fuel I used and when I had filled it up. I use the 87 octane and it only has 270 miles on this tank. They said it looked like a computer problem. This is our second Toyota. Our first one was remarkably trouble free. I looked in my Bentley manual and shows the ECM and the Hybrid Vehicle module just to the right of the cabin air filter. I replaced that myself yesterday morning. It is very easy to do and this is the second time I have done it.
Please let us know the resolution. Any chance that some of the nearby wiring harnesses got manhandled during the filter change?
I got the Prius back yesteday. The Service Writer called Thursday around 6 PM and said they had found the problem. He asked me how often we drove the car. I told him daily. He asked because he said the problem was a spider web in the Mass Air Sys. They said they initially checked it but this was much deeper than normal and they missed it. The car is running real good. They also said they charged the 12v Accessory battery. To me this sounds like selling me beachfront properity in Iowa. Oh, in response regarding the installation of the in-cabin airfilter. I did install it and have thought I may have knocked off a connector to one of the computers in that area. I really don't think I did because this is the 2nd time I changed it.
Now the question where this is. In the air intake system by the sensors? If so, how can the spider build there with all that air rushing in?
It would be fairly easy for a spider to get into the intake system. The little buggers are sneaky and can get into very tight spaces So, one more good reason to regularly inspect and clean your MAF: spider webs!
You should see where we find them on our boat. Have you ever noticed that spider droppings are more durable than paint or varnish? Tom
This just happened yesterday to my 2004 Prius. I have never had a problem before. The repair shop said the battery is fine; the problem is with the computer. What was determined to be the problem. Thanks