Had our 2010 Prius about a month now, and I keep seeing references here to glide and stealth modes. Can someone explaint those to me please? Thank you, Edmcm2000
There's an EXCELLENT Sticky Thread on this subject written by Dr. Evan Fusco, it covers those subjects, as well as Pulse & Glide techniques and the various Stages of Hybrid operation. On the Main Page, CLICK on: Prius Forums, then CLICK on: General II Fuel Economy and finally CLICK on the Sticky Thread: "New Owner, Want MPG Help, Read This First". This Sticky by Dr. Fusco will explain in detail how to get the best MPG out of your NEW Prius, and aid you in getting the maximum fuel economy from your car. My wife and I live in a town near him, and were privlidged to get to have him drive our 2010, and give us tips on how to best extract the most fuel economy from our car. Read his Thread, you'll learn a GREAT deal! David (aka Blind Guy)
GLIDE is when neither engine nor motor are providing power to the wheels and no energy is being sent for regenerating. STEALTH is electric-only propulsion with the engine stopped (zero RPM). .
I had a hand in the Stealth coining 9 years ago. But I'll admit that I did mess on up Glide just now... forgot to mention no activity with the small motor either. In other words, all 3 components (ICE, MG1, MG2) are in a "neutral power" state. That means no arrows on the Energy Display. .
Well thats not technically 100% accurate. While there are no arrows on the energy monitor in a true glide, the HSD can never be in a "neutral power" state, there is always some power in or out of the system. But as long as it is under 9 amps the energy monitor won't show it. Wayne
That's why I put it in quotes! Monitoring of brief trickle events would make people crazy. The Multi-Display dumbs it down quite a bit... so much so, it doesn't even show the second electic-motor. And with all the numeric rounding we do see, it's clear that there are bigger fish to fry. .
No, it's in the Gen II forum, Click on "Forums" in the Main page, and there listed with all the various forums is "Gen II Fuel Economy" and in that forum, one of the Stickies is "New Owner, Want Help, Read This First". David (aka Blind Guy)
Yes, I followed your instructions and I'll read the thread entitled " New owner? Want MPG help? Read this first." However, it must be one of the posts in that thread that you are referring to, as I believe this sticky is by Galaxee.
Radiocycle; You are correct! It's been some time ago that I read that Thread, and it was Dr. Fusco who posted that info, to the best of my knowledge, his post is somewhere near the top of that Thread. THANKS for the correction! David (aka Blind Guy)
Accelerate and Coast would have been fine but you know how people like to come up with new terms for old things.
Except that sometimes people like to be a bit more precise. Accelerate means that your velocity is increasing and you could be increasing or decreasing your speed with either of these. When you "coast" in a conventional car you might just be taking your foot off the gas pedal. If you do this in the Prius you will be invoking the regenerative braking. The "stealth" term was created, I think, to specifically coin a new term for something that was unique. A car powered by gasoline, but with the engine off, thus quietly being powered by the electric motor. 3PriusMike
I used the glide in my 2006 Gen 2. Found it easy to tell when I was in this mode. With my Gen 3 I have not managed to glide for more than 2 seconds. Is anyone else having this problem?
I don't do this in traffic but the easy way is: lift off accelerator count "one one thousand" shift into "N" Lifting off the accelerator lets the hybrid system shutdown the ICE. Then shifting into "N" eliminates any regenerative drag. At this point, the car is ballistic with the ICE off. All vehicle power comes from the traction battery. When I did my 25-43 PnG, this was the technique. Compared to the equivalent, constant speed, it was 25% more efficient. But I was on an isolated road and didn't have to deal with traffic. Bob Wilson
I realise that using neutral will eliminate regeneration but I could glide in drive in the Gen 2 but not the Gen 3. Why?