Birthmarks, 12 Volt, and Zaino

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by octavia, Sep 13, 2009.

  1. octavia

    octavia Active Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Beautiful Oregon
    2010 Prius
    Just an update and a few questions.

    When I picked up my car there was a "birthmark" on the front drivers side panel. I saw it, the dealer saw it. Now... I can't see it to save my life. My youngest son can see it but no one else can. How can I have the dealer try to fix a defect that only a 9 yr old can see? My neighbors think I'm crazy. I've gone out several times during different times of the day and even moved my car to get a look at it at different angles to the sun. Nada!! I have been putting off calling the dealer to say, "no big deal, don't worry about it." but I can't really take him a car with an invisible defect. Am I crazy or could there really be an impossible-to-see defect that can only be seen under perfect lighting conditions?

    I've not previously been a car care enthusiast but I find myself motivated to get some sort of protection on my car as soon as possible. For some reason, I have it in my head that a paint protectant or wax will reduce the amount of damage to my front end from rock chips etc. Is this true or just wishful budget thinking on my part? I've been reading threads and see that several of you recommend Zaino. I also see that Paradox has made specific and repeated recommendations to Griots. Being a new enthusiast and knowing diddly squat about this stuff, I'm confused. I see mention of several products and realize that many of them probably overlap. My question is, if I buy this list of products from Griots, what do I then need to buy from Zaino to complete the kit?

    Interior kit
    Spray on wax and dry kit
    Speed Shine

    I really don't understand the claybar business. I get the dawn part though so I'm half way there! :D

    I currently own some ICE (turtle wax) products that I got in a kit a few years ago. I have a feeling some of you may be cringing as you read this so even if I DID already use some of it on my car, I am not going to admit that.
    I also just bought a set of the shamwow towels from costco because I hate water spots on my car. I speculated that if I used the car cleaner that advertises NO WATER SPOTS and the shamwow that brags about NO WATER SPOTS, I would be sure to have NO WATER SPOTS. I guess it's one of those freak math things, turns out one no water spots + another no water spots = lots o' spots!
    Is is possible to not do it right? Good lord, you would think I was trying to polka dot her by the looks of the poor thing. No wonder she won't let me see her birthmark, she's still pissed about the spots.

    Last but not least, I bought a 12 v converter thingy for charging things in the car. I was hoping that my kids would be able to charge their ds's and I would be able to charge my phone without using the phone charger that I have been warned might not be good for the battery. I had it in the front 12 v first then decided that it might be better to have it in the one that is hidden away. Now... it won't come out! It's stuck. The more I tug on it, the more worried I get. I've got an unreasonable fear of electricity so I'm hesitant to stick something in there along the edge to try to pry it out. My question is, if the car is off, can I still get shocked? I have a weird polarity and if it is possible to get shocked by something I will. ( perhaps this explains the "unreasonable" fear.)

    Thanks in advance!
    *runs off to look for an invisible birthmark again*
  2. PriusRos

    PriusRos A Fairly Senior Member - 2016 Prius Owner

    Jun 22, 2006
    Rockville, MD
    2016 Prius
    Wow, lot of things in here including strange mathematics laws (which kind of make sense).

    I don't know what you can do about a birthmark that isn't visible. Look at it in the shade and from various angles or take your 9-year-old with you to the service department.

    If you really want no waterspots, dry your car with a leaf blower instead of Shamwow (which I am not impressed with) or other towels. I don't think it's the towels that cause the spots, but because it takes so long the water has already made the mineral deposits before you've had a chance to dry it off.

    If you've already waxed your car with some other products, you will need to remove it with a Dawn wash before applying Zaino. You can get Zaino starter kits that will include all the products you'll need with in-depth instructions. Or you can use Zaino All-in-One (AIO), which is pretty quick and easy but won't give you a very lasting shine (from my experience).

    I'm having problems with the 12V chargers, too. The front one has stopped working altogether. It wasn't working at first when I picked up the car, but when I said I'm going to bring it back and get it fixed, it miraculously started working. Like you, some of my chargers get stuck in the outlet. I've had the biggest problem with my Garmin charger, which is the brand name charger and not some cheap knock-off that might not be up to specs. I hadn't heard about cell phone chargers messing up the batteries.
  3. barbaram

    barbaram Active Member

    Jan 24, 2006
    Trenton, NJ
    2010 Prius
  4. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I'm afraid I can't help too much with car cleaning recommendations since I will be in the same place as you, simply going by the information already amply provided in this forum.

    The only recommendation I feel confident in giving is imo DO NOT call the dealer and say "No Big Deal don't worry about it". If you saw something, The dealer at the time saw something and your son is STILL seeing something, then "something" does exist. I live in Oregon, and I know the outside lighting can change rapidly. You can go from bright direct sunlight, to cloudy, to penumbra almost hourly.

    It may very well be you have a very slight defect in clearcoat or paint that you can only see in "perfect" artificial light, or very specific lighting. But that doesn't mean it's not there, and I'd still want it fixed. Your son is going to be your greatest help since he evidently see's it still. I'd just leave the ticket open with the dealer, do not admit you do not see anything now.

    Try looking for it in different lighting. Bright direct sunlight and inside a garage. It might be one of the enviroments allows you to see it better.

    But in anycase, I would not admit to the to the dealer you can't see it now, because I'm afraid the conditions of lighting will be met eventually, and you will see it again. You might even carry a digital camera with you so if at some point you happen to be somewhere where it is showing you could "try" to get a picture.

    The only other thought that comes to mind is pulling into a body shop and if you know roughly where the "birthmark" is, asking a "professional" for his/her opinion. Concievably someone who paints and restores cars might know exactly what to look for, if it is something like a weak spot in the clear coat, or other defect. Of course, you run the risk of them not seeing it either inwhich case I would just mumble..."I see Dead People" then hop back in my car and drive away.

    In anycase, good luck and it seems you have a good attitude about it. If you never track it down, it seems like it is becoming the "flaw" you are learning to embrace. Just don't give up on resolution too quickly.
  5. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    Its not going to protect you from rock chips, but should help protect against sun fade and some rain water contaminants. The best thing you can do about rock chips is avoid following too closely behind others especially commercial vehicles.

    There is nothing wrong with that particular turtle wax product,Typically the largest difference between all of the (car wax products) are the reflectiveness of the shine and lenth of time that it lasts on the car. In my experience the nicer the reflectiveness = Shorter amount of time that the coat lasts and vice versa Longer lasting = not as reflective.
    You absolutely 100 % will not get shocked if the car is completely turned off as in radio will also not work. If you are still untrusting you can disconnect the negative terminal from the 12v battery in the trunk before putting anything in there.
  6. PeteJE

    PeteJE Junior Member

    Jul 29, 2009
    Sierra Madre
    2010 Prius
    My recommendation on interior... just buy a spray bottle of 303 Aerospace Protectant. It is all you will need for all the interior plastic and the exterior plastic parts. Great stuff and nothing I have tried comes close to the ease and effectiveness.
  7. octavia

    octavia Active Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Beautiful Oregon
    2010 Prius

    Maybe I'm over thinking this. I went back and read several threads on the subject and was trying to piece together the most recommended products. I didn't want to buy a kit that has products in it that duplicate other products from Griots but with all the different "levels" of products it's confusing to know what product is the comparable across brands.

    The charger I'm having trouble with is a name brand too. Funny, the cheap knock off one I have has no problem.
  8. a64pilot

    a64pilot Active Member

    Aug 3, 2008
    Albany Ga.
    2010 Prius
    I would be hesitant to have anyone fix a blemish on the paint that I could only see in perfect light. Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, unless the paint person is much better than average. You could end up with a fix that looks worse than before it got fixed.
  9. jay_man2

    jay_man2 jay_man_also

    Jun 11, 2009
    Manassas, VA
    Other Hybrid
    I was reading the thread and thinking exactly this. Ditto for any little interior blemishes or manufacturing marks.
  10. morpheusx

    morpheusx Professor Chaos

    Mar 6, 2007
    Akron, OH
    2011 Prius
    I was also thinking the same thing, but I didn't want to start any sort argument. Likely it was just residue from the sticky white tape from shipping.
  11. octavia

    octavia Active Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Beautiful Oregon
    2010 Prius
    It's not from the tape. Both the dealer and myself tried to clean it off the day I picked it up. It was almost like a one of the stress marks you would see on plastic that had been bent but not broken, or an air bubble you would see under a clear coat only it did not move around.

    I have not been able to see it again. My concern is mild and mostly about what could have caused it and if that would/will show up later as an issue. It's also been a bit of a challenge to see if I could find it again. I just spent about 45 minutes drying the car off after a rain, hoping to see it again, but nope. There are weird mini scratches over that part of the car too that I don't see anywhere else. Like scratches to the clear on top but not the paint? This is what makes me think I need one of the products from Zainos. They seem to have stuff for those fine scratches.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm certainly not going to argue about making a bigger deal of something than it is. Not today anyway.... ;)
  12. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well I can't comment on the invisible birthmark but for rock chips, it's wishful budget thinking. You'll want to get the 3M film (which will still leave the dents if the stone hits the car hard enough but it won't chip the paint) or just live with the fact that your bumper will look like the surface of the moon (moon surface may vary)

    As with car products, anyone of the suggested ones will work. I use Mother's (just because that's what's available at my local store) and have no issues with it. You'll want pure carnuba wax not carnuba cleaner wax. The pure stuff will give you the nice deep shine. The cleaner one is sort of a polish and a wax at the same time. (it's kinda like all season tyres). It'll give you the shine and clean the paint but it's better if you claybar the paint yourself and coat it with pure wax (pure being relative here... 100% pure carnuba will empty your savings).

    Claybarring is super easy.

    1. Wet surface with detailing solution (comes with claybar kit)
    2. Gently rub claybar over surface until you no longer hear "scratchy" noises (that means it's no longer rubbing against dirt so the paint surface is squeaky clean)
    3. Wipe off with a soft cloth

    1. Do a small area at a time. Don't worry if the solution runs down the paint. You can wipe it off

    2. If you drop the claybar on the floor, discard it because it would've picked up all the particles on the floor which will proably scratch the paint

    3. Be liberal with the detailing spray

    4. Wax immediately after claybarring because your paint is now unprotected

    5. Claybar when the surfaces are cool to the touch
    1 person likes this.
  13. a64pilot

    a64pilot Active Member

    Aug 3, 2008
    Albany Ga.
    2010 Prius
    Carnuba is OLD school. It's been around forever, sometimes will be called "boat wax" We use it here on our fiberglass molds as a release agent to ensure the fiberglass doesn't stick to the mold. I've used it for years and I'm not up on this newer miracle stuff. Carnuba will give you results based on the amount of work you put into it, and it is a lot of work. I would tell you to work on one section at a time and only in the shade.
    The "cleaner waxes" have an abrasive in them to clean. The best thing and the most work is what Tideland Prius said, clay bar it and use PURE wax, as in not "cleaner wax"
  14. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    Octavia, power ports & plugs come in 2 sizes. Sounds like you were able to jam a large plug into a small hole. The port is not hot so you won't electocute yourself if the car is off.

    Your description sounds typical. The Prius is a scratch magnet & the paint isn't durable. Get as much of the car covered in VentureShield or 3M film as you can. My front fenders & doors have more scratches than I can count.
  15. Jon S

    Jon S Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    The Aloha State
    2010 Prius
    A really good carnauba wax is P21S from Germany... It is also sold as S100 bike wax thru most Harley shops. Easy to apply and remove, fantastic finish.