With only 2100 miles on our 2010 we were passing a truck on the freeway and WHACK! A little rock flew up and put a small ding in the windshield. It's on the passenger's side and not very big but easily noticed. My gf has a ding like this on her old Sentra and it's lasted years now without growing but I figured I didn't want to take any chances on this brand new baby. I looked over all the DIY kits out there but in the end, I called a mobile windshield repair guy. Forty-five minutes and fifty-five bucks later, it was fixed. I'm glad I didn't opt for the $12 kit down at Auto Zone; this guy knew what he was doing and although not invisible, it is much less noticeable, and I assume that the main benefit is structural. That's a HUGE windshield and I'd hate to buy a new one anytime soon.
Did you check with your insurance company about coverage? Most cover dings @ 100% assuming you have comp. Peter
Prius Chat does it again! Thanks spiderman and 32kcolors! You guys just saved me 55 bucks. Yes, Progressive did waive my deductible and they're sending me a reimbursement check; way cool! Whod'a thunk?!
Not my insurance company. That's why you have comprehensive coverage, for glass breakage, vandalism, etc. My insurance will waive the deductible if a chip is repairable; repairs around here usually run $55-65. And if a chip is on the edge and into the border or the black dots (called frits) it's not repairable and the windshield would have to be replaced. Been there, did that with my vehicle before the Prius.
Progressive waives the deductible for chips, but if non-repairable, the deductible kicks in. Last one I did, a few months ago, the installed windshield was cheaper than the deductible.
Got two stone hits at the same time on the driver side yesterday at 4pm. Wife has to leave on Manday for a 1600 km trip So I found a place in a local mall and got them fix for $95 I will be sending the bill in same see what they say
I have Progressive as well. Switched a year ago. My prior insur State Farm covered windshield repl 100%. What is the deductible $$$ from Progressive?
I used to work for an auto glass company. When it comes to chip repairs, the tech simply injects the chip with a silicone resin, which minimizes the appearance and prevents the chip from cracking. The key issue here is the resin. Not sure what is in Wal-Mart's kit, but if it's not low quality stuff, then it should work out just fine. Not a bad deal for $8 (if your insurance won't pay for it.) However, I never ran across an insurance company who did NOT cover it (unless the insured didn't have comp.) If you have comp, you're much better off going through insurance an letting a professional do the job (IMO.) Of course, years ago I was driving cross-country, got a sizable chip, filled it with Super Glue and it never did crack! So who knows!!!
my parents have geico and if the crak is smaller than a dime they will fix it or if bigger they will come and replace it with the same excat one and theyll show up at your work or wwhere ever to fix it.. In california you will get a ticket for it.