I know there are other general cell phone kit threads, but ProClip Mounting System - Device Holders and Dashboard Vehicle Mounts have just released three "no drilling needed" vehicle mounts specifically designed for the 2010 Prius (below) that work with their various cell phone holders. I ordered the console Vehicle Mount 854355 ($29.99) and the iPhone 3Gs Padded Holder 915255 ($39.99). I'm glad I waited; they seem to have come up with a few good looking permanent mounting alternatives.
Installed 2010 Prius Cell Phone Kit from ProClip Looks good; works great. Took about 2 minutes to install, no holes to drill and does not interfere with the cup holder door.
Didn't try the GPS yet (have Navi), but will do tomorrow. Receives excellent 3G signal there for Tuner Internet Radio, Sirius/XM and Public Radio applications.
Ok thanks, would be nice to know. I decided not to get the Navi as I'm quite pleased with the navigation software that's available nowadays for the iPhone. I do have my doubts though as to the phone getting a gps signal down there, but you never know! Thanks in advance, aslak
Tested the iPhone 3GS Maps Application today with the phone in the console holder and got a strong GPS signal. Also tested the Compas Application with equally good results. Hope this helps.
Nice! I had my doubts but great to hear that it works. Judging from the pictures you posted, you've tilted the phone as far as you can, to the left, to get as good a view of the iPhone as possible? How visible is the screen when driving? Thanks a bunch!
It can actually be tilted another 5 degrees or so toward the driver, but at the loss of being able to open the cup holder door. It's very visible where it is and easy to reach/use.
Alright thanks once again for the info, I actually just placed an order for the same ones you got. Now I'm just gonna wait and see how long it'll take to get them to Helsinki, Finland.
Remember the model holder I bought does not come with a cable; I already had a Kensington LiquidAUX cable that worked just fine. ProClip makes a version of the iPhone holder with a built in cable, but in my research, the Kensington cable ($29.00 Buy.com, before shipping) with the built in audio jack was the better installation. Good luck.
Just a final update and a thank you: Got the ProClip and their iPhone holder today, and everything works perfectly! I've got Navigon as my GPS software on the iPhone and it got a good signal and I was able to listen to my songs through the iPhone at the same time I used it to navigate. Navigon even fades out the music gently when directions are being spoken, a nice touch. I really like the positioning of the ProClip solution when it is installed as Vincent installed his; you can easily use the phone for basic tasks while driving. Really really nice.
I know this is old but I will soon purchase a 2010 myself and I will be using exactly the same setup you are, with the pro clip and in the same position. I have one question, is it comfortable to change songs while you are driving from that spot? How are you geting the audio?
I have the ProClip Center Mount. As it's higher up, I don't have to shift my focus that much from the road.