Spreadsheets for tracking MPG and Maintanance. Has anybody developed a spreadsheet to keep track of costs and mpg?
I have the spreadsheet linked in my signature. I was tempted to try and track the money saved but found that it would was difficult considering that I was buying gas only half as often and any guess as to what the cost would have been had I bought the gasoline with my previous car would have been exactly that: guesses. I have given a modified version to some coworkers so they could start tracking their "as-is" and then make some driving changes and track their improvements. It worked quite well for that.
Re: Spreadsheets for tracking MPG and Maintanance. I have one that calculated the mpgs. Then I have one to track the maintinence. One my computer is finished being upgraded I will personal message you both spread sheets.
I have written a spreadsheet that works as follows: You enter the date, trip odometer reading (reset to zero at each fillup), total cost and cost per gallon and it does the rest... I designed it to use the info above as the entry as all info (except for trip odometer reading) is already on the gas credit card pump receipt.. It computes gallons used (from above info) then cost/mile, cumulative gallons used over time, lbs of CO2 generated, lbs of oxygen used and almost forget miles per gallon. An initial odometer reading is entered into the spreadsheet and with the trip odometer reading entered at each fillup, gives you a log over time of miles driven per year, etc..
I've attached the actual Excel spreadsheet with some sample data and another jpg file that shows how to enter the data.. There are a couple of functions in it (ability to handle partial fillups and compute in next complete fillup, and the odometer initial entry) that would not be obvious in just looking at the spreadsheet.. The pounds of CO2 generated and Oxygen consumed calculations are based on the formulas for the combustion of gasoline documented on Department of Energy (and other) credible web sites. Enjoy!