Many many people love the Prius. That being said many people luke different things about it. Me I love the styleing and the fact it helps the earth. So what do you like about it.
I like the fact that due to its greater fuel economy I am able to do a small part in sending less money to the terrorist to make IED's. I'd like to see all of those small oil rich countries be put out of work.
I car to me is transportation period. I don't care what it looks like as long as it gets me from point A to point B reliably. With my Prius it's the gas mileage baby. Woo Hoo.
I like just sitting there, silently, at a stoplight... no idling. I like that we're advancing the state of the art without sacrificing comfort, reliability or efficiency. I like the streamlined looks! What's not to like??:noidea:
i like it, because overall, its simply a better car. some cars drive better; some cars have better controls some cars have better option packages that better suit my needs without paying for stuff i dont want some cars are cheaper some cars are nicer looking some cars are greener and more economical (i own one of them !@!) but add it all up and the total package beats any one car on the road. and after 10 years of trying, there is still not a car on the road of any size that matches the gas mileage.
Leather seats with lumbar support. And EV mode. I like being able to take off from a light with no gas power.
No matter how you drive your Prius, the mpg's will be higher than the majority of the current vehicles on the road today but if you want to play a little challenge game with your Prius you can get really great mpg's and I find that to be fun. It makes the daily grind of commuting fun and interesting,
All the Green Stuff but especially the DRCC In addition to all the environmental reasons to love the car, I absolutely love the DRCC! Having driven with it for a few months now, I'm afraid to turn my old standard cruise control on in my other car. It absolutely revolutionizes and redefines what Cruise Control should be. Stu
Re: All the Green Stuff but especially the DRCC now only if it knew how to stop at a light and when to go you could fall asleep and get home
I love the styling and feeling that I am driving a new technology vehicle. When I drive my Camry it seems somewhat dated.
What I Love about my Prius V, The high tech vehicle that it is, Greener than many other around you, able to reduce dependency (no matter how small) on Foreign Oil and the deep pockets associated with the whole process, the Leather seats and comfort in the 2010, the whole darn thing!
I came from a BMW 3 series but I do have to say, I like the way the Prius drives (17"). I also love the gadgets, DRCC, LKA, IPA+APGS, EV Mode, SKS, the the MID.