Just needed to tell the world. I just broke 60mpg calculate... Here are the stats for my third tank.. 582.6 Miles 9.651 gallons Trip A reading 63.5 mpg 38mph avg. Again I drive about 95% highway... In my Nissan Altima Hybrid I have yet to break the 40mpg but have gotten close at 39.4 mpg calculated.
That is amazing. I have yet to break 53 Calculated. Have you done anything special? I have increased tire pressure to 42/40 and try not to drive upset other drivers but I am would honestly say I am slightly on the conservative side of normal when there are drivers behind me and when no one is behind me, I will let the Pruis roll sooner when I see or know a red light is coming. Between city and freeway driving, I am getting better milage from freeway driving.
Well done! I'm hoping to have my first tank over 61 myself, while my lifetime average is still about 57. I drive at or below the speed limit and have a mostly highway commute with several long downhill stretches both ways.