Well, when I ordered my car the dealer told me it would be there on 9/11. So, while it's a great day and I'm all excited about getting it today (hope they call SOON!) I can't help but feel a bit odd about the date. I'm not superstitious at all, just feels a little odd to want to celebrate when the date itself is the anniversary of such a horrible event in the history of the world. Knowing that so many will still live this day in painful memory makes celebrating the arrival of my Prius a bit shallow. Should I take a picture of it in the lot and share with you all?
Your Prius is a celebration of the life and progress that symbolize America's strength and recovery. Enjoy it, and be grateful that no one died in vain that day - each mile you drive may honor them. Congratulations on your new car! Can't wait for pics!!
The picture you take - perhaps with your new car next to an American flag; I'm sure the dealer has one. Would be a nice remembrance. I know, this is such an emotional day for many of us. Personal editorial -we must consider every day 9/12/01 when it comes to national security and our defense. While we are here safely enjoying our cars, there are many thousands of brave citizens serving the country proudly. They deserve our support and prayers. Hey - could someone take a picture of 3 Prius next to each other? One red, white, blue...:usa2: Perhaps Danny would put it on the Home page.
Congrats! I agree with the above...celebrate your day. It won't take away from the remembrance of 9/11. On a side note...I find it interesting how many people have ended up with new cars on the 11th of the month! I bought mine on June 11, and my daughter happened to find and buy a "new to her" car on August 11!!
To OP: congrats! today was the original eta I was given, so I understand how you feel. Please include pictures and don't let the terrorist attacks continue to take away our joy. Our best response is to live on.... I'd love to see pictures!! I was hoping to get a red white and blue picture. There are new white and red prii in the parking lot where I work! I'm not sure who the owners of them are though.....
MaggieMay, Very well stated response. It is not an easy day but you have stated the need to recover and move on very eloquently. --TK
The DATE, but not the DAY, that's what you need to focus on. It's 9/11/09, not 9/11/01. Think about this: 8/29/05. While everyone watched Hurricane Katrina ravage the south, my wife and I were in a delivery room. She was born that afternoon and we had no idea what was going on - no idea what had happened because of the hurricane and, in fact, we didn't know for two whole days afterward. Every year since then we're reminded of the tragedy and the travesties of the fallout of that event. But do we associate it with our daughter? Of course not! Now go get your car and enjoy it without guilt!
My car is being prepped and tinted as I write this. Seems like a popular day to get a new Prius. I too thought about the date as I work across from the capitol and they have some events taking place today.
Well, dealer said that it's not arriving today...still at the port...and transporters don't work on weekends...so mine probably won't be ready until early next week. Oh well...three or four sleepless nights ahead....
Attempting to relate the purchase of a car - or anything else - to the 9/11 attacks is BS. (Worse, words I can't use here.) Contemplation? Sure. Prayer? By all means. Service? Absolutely. New toys? Think again. Shame on you all! Enjoy your new car. But don't mention it in the same breath, please.