Need advice on XM, please ...

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by fernem, Sep 7, 2009.

  1. fernem

    fernem New Member

    Jul 16, 2007

    I posted this on the last thread about Free XM Radio but I think it needs its own thread to get an answer and not get lost ... so forgive the duplicate posts here, please.

    I want some advice from those of you who have formed an opinion about this.

    I have a 2007 Prius, package 6, I think it was. My husband just bought a 2010 Prius and we have been going on long rides in it and enjoying XM radio. I am thinking of buying a Toyota XM base and fit kit from Metro Toyota and installing it in my 2007. I have an iPod. It has 80 gigs worth of music, etc. but I really like the surprise element of XM and have found nice music for myself.

    Question: Is it crazy to put $400. into my car (Metro + outside installation ... not dealer... who wants $600. for the whole deal) when Sirius/XM may go belly up in December when their next debt pay back comes due? I read that most new subscriptions come from new car owners who got XM with their cars. Not me. And I don't think I want an exterior radio handing off an air vent.

    Please let me know what you think? I'd appreciate the advice.


  2. tlthompson

    tlthompson New Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Northeast Ohio
    2010 Prius
    I am an XM junkie. I got it for free for one year with my 2006 Pontiac Torrent. I now have a skifi that jumps between a boom box in my kitchen and one in my office. Plus I have an XM2Go that broadcasts over the radios in my bedroom and bath. Can't remember the last time I listen to the radio. I also have an iPhone which syncs with the radio in the Prius, but like you I love the surprise of XM. I'm constantly cranking up the volume as I say, "Oh, I haven't heard this song in ages!" XM was a deal breaker for me in the purchase of the new prius.

    That being said, have you checked out the wireless broadcast options? Delphi MyFi XM2GO XM Radio Portable Audio System - SA10113
    This is what I use in the house. It has a pretty good setup for the car. For a while I was driving an '86 jag, and I used this with a charger, and just laid it on the dash, without jacking in the antenna. It worked well, and you'd only be out the $170, plus you can take it with you.

    Just an idea.

    PS If XM goes broke, surely someone else will pick them up?
  3. fernem

    fernem New Member

    Jul 16, 2007

    Thanks for the response. I actually ordered the Toyota base and fit kit from Metro Toyota on Friday evening late on impulse but since they are closed all Labor Day weekend, I have until tomorrow morning to decide whether to cancel.

    I am new to this so I have naive questions. I can hook this up through the center console of my Gen II Prius, just like my iPod (or instead of my iPod in the moment) and rest it on the dash or put it in a holder attached to the air vents (which I have a number of from when I used portable GPS pre Prius)? This gives me sound as good as having a built in unit? (My husband's 2010 Prius XM sounds great!)

    Sounds like a great idea if it works as well. What is the downside ... aside from having everything out and hanging somewhere?

    Thanks in advance. I appreciate the help in thinking about this.

  4. SCJoe

    SCJoe New Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    Sioux City, IA
    2010 Prius
    Don't forget the option of getting a limited subset of XM stations streamed to your smartphone (and tlthompson, there's an iPhone app for XM, too).

    Of course, you'd need a smartphone (and an unlimited data plan, to be safe), and a way to connect that to your stereo (e.g. bluetooth streaming, aux jack to phone's headphone jack, etc.)

    edit: to answer your original question, personally I think it would be a waste to spend $400 on hardware, plus the XM subscription cost, for XM radio. But that's a personal opinion, and I'm guessing my listening and driving habits differ from yours.
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  5. Salsawonder

    Salsawonder New Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    La Mesa California
    2010 Prius
    I don't know if the Slot Radio cards from Billboard work with the Ipod but they do with my Sansa Fuse. $50 gives you 1000 songs of a specific genre. There are subsets within that genre but it does give that surprise factor you are looking for. So far I have Rock and enjoy it very much.

    I agree with SCJoe that that is a lot of cash to spend for something that may not be available much longer.
  6. BRK

    BRK New Member

    Jan 6, 2008
    Philadelphia (East Falls)
    2009 Prius
    I've been an XM subscriber for the last 6-7 years. The love affair I had for XM has long gone since the merger. That being said, I still have not killed my subscriptions. I can say that if a reciever dies, I will probably kill that radios subscription. I would never entertain $400 bucks for hardware. $60 would be my max. hardware out of pocket in this day and age of internet enabled cell phones. I don't feel I would ever pay a $300 premium to have the hardware integrated into the car.
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  7. SCJoe

    SCJoe New Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    Sioux City, IA
    2010 Prius
    Ipods don't have microSD slots. But a lot of phones do.

    Fernem, if I may, a couple of questions.

    What capabilities does your car have right now? That is, does the stereo support Bluetooth streaming? Is there an AUX or a Line In jack connected to the stereo (I'm unfamiliar with pre-2010 Priuses).

    Do you own a cellphone? Would you be willing to use that as a "XM-type sound source"? If so, what kind of phone is it?
  8. fernem

    fernem New Member

    Jul 16, 2007

    Thanks for trying to help.

    I am a little confused by your questions. I have bluetooth ... don't know about streaming through it per se. There is an AUX jack in the center console which I use for my iPod currently. I have the upgraded NAV/BT/JBL speaker package.

    My smart phone is a Verizon Centro and that does not seem to be one of the ones that can stream music from it to the car speakers.

    In reality, I really like the idea of controlling the satellite radio through my car controls. If I don't get the XM, I will probably try to put the DICE iPod integration in. Otherwise, like my iPod, I will just start a trip setting up a playlist ... or XM channel ... and then leave it alone for the duration. The fun is in the being able to switch as I go to hear what I want and not hear what I don't want!

    Thanks again for thinking about this for me.

  9. SCJoe

    SCJoe New Member

    Aug 15, 2009
    Sioux City, IA
    2010 Prius
    I can understand liking to have everything integrated -- and just controlling it from the car stereo. I prefer it that way myself. Nothing to look at, no cords dangling about, etc.

    I don't know much about Palm OS (i.e. Centro phones), but I don't think there's even a semi-elegant solution to using one as a source for "random" music. I also am pretty sure it can't stream XM Radio.
  10. pinky

    pinky New Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    2010 Prius
    On a really old car, adding anything that expensive would be a waste, nearly. I added a $400 Alpine and a $350 Sirius kit to a 10 year old Mercedes and it died within a few years BUT the few years we had together after the upgrade were a whole lot better than before the upgrade and only having AM/FM/Cassette/Weather Band.

    If you spend a lot of time in a car, any upgrade could be a good idea but for just buzzing around town, adding that probably wouldn't be worth it at all but it's your money.

    Having factory upgrades is nice but you really should check if there are aftermarket adapters for the steering wheel controls. Sometimes there are and it comes off less expensive...

    On XM/Sirius: I liked Buzz Saw and then post merger they axed it. Why? I don't know. Now especially after finding out how the two are essentially two ships passing in the night and aren't truly 'merged', it really makes me wonder. Did they really have to piss off that many customers by killing the best rock station AND the best Jazz station? I'm sure with the 'separate but equal' between the two companies they are eating big money. You would think that smarter people would run these companies...

    Makes no sense to me but maybe the government will buy them like they did Iridium, the satellite phone company. (The DOD uses it a whole lot not to mention Osama bin Laden)
  11. tlthompson

    tlthompson New Member

    Sep 1, 2009
    Northeast Ohio
    2010 Prius
    Fern when I used the skyfi 2 go, I would set it to transmit over the fm radio (you have at least six different fm settings to choose from). Then keeping the unit charged in the house, I would take it to the car, turn it on, turn the radio on and tune to the fm setting. Then set the unit on a flat part of the dash and go. There is a remote that I attached to my visor, that would allow me to move through the channels just like presets or scan within genres. The unit has a built in antenna that worked well enough for me, but I was just running errands and such.

    I did take it on a couple of long trips, where I would use the antenna (which is wired to the unit), and the car charger (also wired). Additionally for a long trip, you will need to occasionally change the fm settings as you move into an area that has a local fm station broadcasting on the same frequency.

    Now I use it in the house, and it sits in a small basket in my bathroom. It is plugged in and the antenna is also jacked into the unit. I still broadcast over the fm frequency which is picked up in my bedroom as well.

    It's not the ideal situation you're looking for, but it is a cheaper less permanent option. I don't stream the xm through my iPhone as I would need to leave the iPhone out to manage controls. I just toss the phone in the center console and pretty much forget about it using the bluetooth to make calls.

    Hope this helps. BTW there are several XM/sirius forums out there as well that may be able to give you more ideas. I like :: #1 Fan Site of Sirius XM Satellite Radio :: XM Radio Community Forums

    Good Luck
  12. pinky

    pinky New Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    2010 Prius
    Now that I've re-read your post and am not so distracted I can offer this: No one knows what the future holds. I do know that from someone high up at OnStar, they are having a problem with retention. People get their trial period of it, love it, and then don't subscribe as their freeby ends. It's something they are 'working on' but the idea of retention is hitting them hard. I mentioned the BMW idea where they 'bundle' three years of their service with their cars and then actually pay a fee to the division that runs it. Everybody is happy. By the time the car is past three years old, having that service is so ingrained that people then want to pay for it. (Their service offers some other things but not having a BMW I don't know)

    Sure, Sirius/XM could go away. That is potentially a very real risk. Who knows what would happen if they did do a swan dive into the pavement what that would mean to subscribers. I just know that I really value their weather channels as no one does it better (that I'm aware of) and they have a smorgasbord of 'stations' that play just about everything you would/could want.

    I'd expect more channels to go with commercials or maybe hour long segment sponsors like some NPR terrestrial radio stations do already.

    In places where there aren't any radio stations, or any that play the type of music, their demise would be hard. Truckers really like satellite radio from what I've heard.

    Bottom line is: I have the money. I like the offerings. I listen a whole lot when I'm in my car and I spend a lot of time in it (and I can't use an iPod!) and like the idea that I could listen to the same 'station' across the country if I was crazy enough to drive it.

    Get the kit. Get a short subscription from them and don't worry. I doubt that they will be left totally high and dry. Not that they aren't 'too big to fail' but there aren't any competitors and they do fill a need.

    Sirius/XM does need to start finishing that damn merger and then clean out the deadwood. They *can* be profitable.
  13. Manolo1

    Manolo1 New Member

    May 29, 2009
    South Florida
    2010 Prius
    well... My car still does not have 3 months and XM has already cut the service twice on my free three month trial...

    I don't think this is the right way to convince me to subscribe at the end of the trial period... if this is the service when they are trying to get my dollars what would it be after they have my money?
    1 person likes this.
  14. Bobsprius

    Bobsprius BobPrius

    Jul 23, 2009
    2010 Prius
    I'm a little confused, you said your car still does not have the 3 mos of free Xm but yet they cut your service twice? Maybe some clarification would be helpful. As for cutting your service have you told them you took delivery of a new car and gave them the radio ID and they have set you up correctly?? I have had No problems with my XM trial and have the XM NAV Taraffic as well as part of it.
    I would call the customer service number again if your not getting it as planned. They also called me to see if I wanted to incorporate my new car under the home account and of course since I like it so well, I am going to do that. In the meantime I am going to enjoy the 90 dys without paying...Good Luck in getting it resolved...
  15. Muhahahahaz

    Muhahahahaz Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    2007 Prius
    He means that his car is not 3 months old yet.

    In other words, he started the trial, but they cut it two different times before the 3 months were even up...
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