On some of the multi-info displays, there is an indicator icon "eco" that is normally on, and goes away if gas pedal is pressed hard enough (in the HSI screen, it goes away when "pwr" zone is reached). I'm NOT talking about the eco-mode icon that is selected by pressing the mode button. Does anybody know what the implications are (if any) on emissions when this eco icon disappears versus when it's showing? Or stated in another way, what is the purpose for this indicator? I also noticed that when power mode is on, this eco icon stays off until power mode is exited. Sorry if this has already been discussed somewhere else -- my search came up empty.
Toyota have decided that a certain range of engine output is 'economical', and the ECO indicator means you're in that range. I'm surprised that being in 'power mode' doesn't show it, because power mode merely changes the pedal's response to produce a bit more output at the start of the pedal's travel. (ECO mode produces a bit less output, meaning you have to press the pedal further to get a given output, but also has an affect on the A/C demand.) I suspect it's when the engine is within the 220g/kWh region on this chart: (Thanks to Ken for posting the chart on this thread).
I think the little ECO icon is there in all modes, but I think if you don't like it, it can be selected off in the settings menu. It shows up on other pages as well
The "ECO" light that comes on will do so only within the rather large center range on the HSI. The ECO indicator will not light up during either EV or Power modes. From page 204 of the Owner's Manual: Eco Driving Indicator Light This indicator will not turn on if the following conditions are met while driving: l The shift position is anything other than “Dâ€. l The driving mode is set to power mode or EV-Drive Mode. Page 200 has the instructions for turning the Eco indicator on or off.
It's more useful if you're using the Consumption Screen. On the HSI, you kinda know if you're driving in an eco-friendly manner or not because you're not in the PWR zone. If you're in the Consumption Screen, you won't know so the ECO light helps in that regard (it's on the right side of the screen IIRC).
Thanks for all the replies. It sounds like from what Tideland Prius and Mike Dimmick were saying is that the ECO indicator: 1) indicates driving in "eco-friendly manner" 2) indicates an "economical" operating region on the Torque vs Engine Speed chart. Still a mystery is why in Power Mode, the ECO indicator is always off... If only the gas pedal response curve is changed, then the ECO indicator should come on at low demand. Does this mean that the engine is running at a different RPM, or somehow a different operating point on the efficiency chart? I don't know anything about how engines work. I doubt that AC has anything to do with Power Mode... Or it could be psychological, to discourage people from using the Power Mode.
Well it's kinda hard to P&G in PWR Mode cause the throttle is so sensitive. In PWR Mode, I get up to 50mph from a standing start using just ¼ throttle in no time.