As part of my upgrade, I found this pretty cool thing that plugs in-line with the video cable coming from the back camera. This plugs between your camera, and Nav. It will give you the distance superimposed on the camera display. The attached picture shows the wiring to the head unit, and this link (¡¾Ã¼¡¿¸ø¸Õ¸Õ°²×°µ¹³µÀ״´øʹÓÃç¹ûŶ£¡_½ð¸Õ¾ãÀÖ²¿_Æû³µÖ®¼Ò) shows some of the scariest stuff you can think of doing to your Prius All in all, may be a great $50 mod (???)... While the link has a stand alone system (with its own display), the picture attached shows a different unit - which plugs inline (clean install). Yikes (???)
Drilling holes in a new car is scary? Heck, I drilled 2 - 3" holes in the hood of my brand-new Cobalt SS, cut out the metal between them, and installed a functional ram-air hood scoop. When I posted the pics on the CobaltSS forum, I thought people would faint at the thought of drilling holes in their car! I didn't think twice - but I DID measure 3 or 4 times first...
I *think* it will be scary for some of the people who post here - justa guess Now cutting metal that's cool - add to that cutting on your hood - that's very cool!!!!
Thanks! It was a lot of fun. I would give you the link to the thread, but you have to be a member of the board to see it because of the pictures, apparently.
I was looking for something like this. I wanted the distance sensors but i don't want that cheap monitor sitting on the dash. I wanted the distance superimposed on my navigation display. More like factory system such as in Lexus. So, do you have the link or more detail on the product that has capability to superimpose the image on the video? Second question, can I install this between factory build in backup camera and factory nav? The picture shows aftermarket camera with yellow RCA connector. I don't think there will be a RCA connetors between factory camera and Nav unit?
Yes - this one superimposes... Go to the bottom of 2 Din Indash DVD GPS Navi Toyota RAV4 Digital Panel PIP - eBay (item 260470331610 end time Sep-30-09 03:38:37 PDT) page. I do not know about mounting and have no clue what's in the factory nav/cam. I'm quite sure it is the same type camera - not sure about the signals - it may have that yellow composite connector, it may be green - or it may be something else. Either way, it should have two signals, that can be adapted to this system... Odds are it just plugs in easy inline (and the power should be near the camera).
Sorry for coming so late to this discussion. Did you ever find an aftermarket kit that would superimpose distance on the factory camera video image displayable onto the standard prius head unit?