91 days and an interesting twist

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by bigbaldcuban, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    Yep 90 days (91 actually) and my BC/#9 Picante is still just a gleem
    in some random assemblyman's eye 5,000 miles away. However, I got
    some interesting news from my dealer. On the "build your own"
    section, the only Optins listed are #3-#8. After hearing the news
    posted on this and other groups, I asked him if the #9's were no
    longer coming to the Lone Star State. Here was his response:


    No, the fact that package #9 does not show up on the site does not
    mean anything. Your car has already been ordered and will come with
    Package #9 when your turn is up. I'm not sure yet what we will see as
    far as # of Prius this time around. The allocation was pulled last
    night and should be posted by mid-next week. I'll let you know as
    soon as I see the allocation offered to us."

    Could it be that the quaint keychain I recived actually means that the
    dealers who sent their lists to Toyota will be getting cars to match
    the list (as best as possible) meaning I might not have to compromise
    package/color to get the car this millenia? He's never wanted to tell
    me anyhting unless he's sure, so I don't think he's trying to score
    brownie points with me.

    Picante #9
    Day 91 :computer:
  2. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    Manny: Hope your Prius comes in soon. I found that the dealers speak through both sides of their mouths and perhaps out of other orofices as well.
    If you trust your dealer, i.e. have had previous experience with him/her and judge him/her to be pretty straightforward, then perhaps you are on track to get your Sauce Picante #9. One of the two dealers in Seattle whose lists I was on, told me the wait would be from 3-6 months. Only later did I discover that he is getting only 1 Prius a month and has 50 or so on his waiting list. So...actually, if you do the numbers, the wait would be measured in years, not months. I was lucky to find my Prius in a small town east of Seattle and I got off this Seattle dealer's list. Other people, not so inquisitive, may still be on this guys's list thinking that the wait is going to be 3-6 months.
    You might do well to check with dealers in small towns in your state because they are also getting Prii and are less likely to jack you around because their customer base is too small for them to play games and stay in business.
  3. bigbaldcuban

    bigbaldcuban New Member

    Feb 16, 2004
    Mansfield, TX
    I'm actually on 3 dealer lists. This is the dealer that I'm closest to #1 on their list (#6 actually). I have his quote in writing, and he's confirmed it on two occasions, also in writing. I know there's crooks out there, but I've yet to hear anything negative about this guy from anyone in the area or any groups on the net. Bad news usually travels fast, so in the last 3 months that I've been waiting I figured I'd hear something crooked on them from somewhere by now.
  4. adorerai

    adorerai New Member

    Mar 29, 2004
    In Salt Lake City here, I ordered in late Jan, when and visited the dealer a week or so ago to check the status, he told us it would be another 3 months unless we changed our pkg from 3 to 9.. we mentioned to him, another dealership offered the prius for $200 less, instantly he changed his mind to the initial delivery date "well it should only be another month or so." what does that mean? we're 3rd on the list for pkg 3