I left work today ready to jet off in my Prius and practice my techniques for better mileage. But I couldn't get out of the parking lot. The car didn't want to go. Now I've read threads about people not being in "READY" mode because they didn't actually start the car correctly (having foot on brake). So I looked, but it wasn't that. I was in ready. I've read about people sort of "slapping" it into drive too fast and it actually not being there long enough to "register" that I want drive. So I look, and it is indeed in drive. Just to be sure, I try again to put it in drive, leaving the gear shift there for a second or two to be sure. No go. My brakes! Maybe they've rusted as I recently read happened to someone who washed their car then left the car sitting for a bit. It did rain a bit the other day but I haven't washed the car recently. Hmmmm. Probably not that. Hmmm. I also read recently about whether you should engage the parking brake when parked. Some say it's bad for the car to always do it (it wears out). Some say it's bad to never do it (the mechanism gets out of sorts from lack of use.) The consensus seems to be to occasionally use it even if you aren't the type who uses it all the time. And I'd decided to do this today when I parked. Then promptly forgot. :embarassed: Diagnosis: driver error, with too much reading of this forum as contributing factor to both the problem and to delay in diagnosis.
I always set the brake and decided to not try to break myself of the brake habit, so I don't have to cut myself a break for doing the reverse of what you did.
Cute story - I know, sometimes information overload. I use the parking brake about 30% of the time. And 10% of those times, forget to release the brake as I'm ready to go, and not... My excuse - the warning light is WAAAAAY over to the right of the MID.
I think I'm going to do the opposite and not train myself to do something once in awhile when it may not matter. In other words, if it ain't broke...
Interesting as my car moves just fine with the P break on, when starting up on flat surfaces (like my garage) and forgetting to take it off. Normally the beeping should remind me but it’s competing with the reverse beeping that I have not yet had modified. Thus, have been using it less not to wear it out (and hoping it works on a hill : )