Yes, one can see the colors on other cars, but the shape, size, and styling of the particular car really affects the way the color looks on it. You might be able to decide whether or not you like a color by looking at it on another car, but it's hard to imagine exactly how it would look on a 2010 Prius unless you've seen it.
I agree. Plus I'm trying to find a color that gives me the contrast I want with the dark sunroof and black trunk panel.
I would definitely buy that color too and name it Bumble. I seem to change my mind on color about every day, but for today I'm thinking I might go red w/solar and name it Firefly.
One reason I don't like the super white on the Gen II Prius is I find it to be TOO much contrast between the white body and black window moldings (but in any case, I don't like the very bright white except, perhaps, on a smalll sports car). I think the blizzard pearl will probably look much better than the super white. But I really need to see it in person on the Prius.
Super White is a solid white. Blizzard Pearl is a bit softer and not as "harsh" if you know what I mean. See if you can find a Venza in Blizzard Pearl with the panoramic roof option. Granted, the bodystyle is different and we know some colours look good on some designs and not good on others but it'll give you an idea of the contrast.
I have to admit that the pictures I saw of the blizzard pearl with the solar roof look really good. The solar roof seems to make all the difference -- the car looks more hunky and a lot less chuncky.
I received a compliment on my classic silver 2010, today. I was at the gas station when a gentleman walked by to say that my Prius was the nicest looking Prius he has seen so far. I thanked him, and he replied that he liked the color of my car more so then the other colors he has seen. It was freshly washed and waxed, so that it was extra shiny. It made my day. I wish I was turning heads they way my car seems to!
The work release guy working at Taco Bell told my wife her silver 10 looked like a space ship. How much higher complement can you get than that.