I have been trying to use my fancy voice commands to dial phone numbers in my Gen 3, but I am getting frustrated with how many steps it takes to dial. Step 1 - Phone Step 2 - Dial by Name Step 3 - Say Person's Name Step 4 - Confirm Person's Name Step 5 - Dial On top of this the computer repeats what I just said along every step. Why not just let us say "Call so-and-so". In the end I am pulling my phone out my pocket to dial and just using the bluetooth to talk so I don't get a ticket. I would use my contacts to dial, but the damn thing locks me out while I am moving.... Does this bother anyone else?
While I do use the voice commands, hat can get tiresome. Instead, I have programmed like 14 of the 18 'speed dials' on the NAV screen, and when I need to make a call to one of my contacts, I simply hit the call button on the steering wheel, then click with a quick finger on the 'speed dial' button, then the name I want, and it goes very quickly. Try doing that instead, and it should help you for the top numbers that you call.
It appears that you're talking about the voice commands for Bluetooth. I don’t have the NAV, but have the speed dial feature programmed in the sound system interface. I just hit the call button, and then quickly hit my preset speed dial number, then the off hook switch and it places the call... quick and simple! I also found placing a call by voice very annoying and tiresome; especially because the bloody system often don't understand a word of what I say… , therefore I end up having to put up with my American friends that keep teasing me saying that the problem is my thick accent . Losers…
Yeah I do have the guidance off. Programming the speed dial with as many as I can fit numbers does seem like a good work around for most of the time. Just wish I could shorten the guidance feature to 2 steps max. Thanks!
I also added frequently called numbers as speed dials. Press the unhook button on the steering wheel once and you can then press the speed dial icon on the screen, or press the button again and it takes to your recent calls, and you call select one of them.
Dial by number works great for me. You don't have to wait for the voice to answer back or confirm. Just say "Dial by number" and then immediately press the voice button again. Then say the number and immediately press the off-hook button. It will dial the number as soon as this is complete. It really is quick and simple... Bryan
Some of the Non Nav voice commands are overkill. I don't every recall issuing the command "68 degrees".
only use voice commands for dial by number options. well to be honest with ya, i really only call a small handful of people on a regular basis. speed dials takes care of that, but most of the time, i use the speed dial directly from the phone
I didn't think that the procedure was all that cumbersome but I had to wait to get to work to verify if the process was as long as being noted herein. Actually it takes less than 5 sec with two clicks of the 'VOICE' icon, two voice commands and one click of the OFF HOOK switch. Touch the VOICE icon, wait a heartbeat, say "Dial by Number ( or Name )" The system begins to verify that you've chosen 'DIAL BY NUMBER', cut if off immediately by touching the VOICE icon again. Say the desired number, "XXX-XXX-XXXX", wait a heartbeat Touch the OFF HOOK switch. You don't have to wait for the nice Nav lady to go through all the options on each level of the menus. Simply touch the voice icon and you'll drop down to the the next level of menu commands.
I discovered on accident that if you push the voice command button and say a name that happens to not sounds like any of the starting out commands, it will recognize it - repeat the name and you just push the dial button and go. =0)
Yeah on the names i have programmed in, I just push the voice command and say "Dial <Name>", it confirms it with saying push the off hook command to connect. It works just about every time.
I use some speed dials for my most frequent numbers but I do use voice commands for other and it's pretty quick for me. The first thing you have to do is turn off the feedback so nav doesn't say the menu names. Then just say dial by name, it beeps, then say the name.
While the number of steps is frustrating, calling the wrong person would be far worse in my opinion. That said, I typically don't call while driving. On the rare occasion that I do I use the speed dial. For voice commands, I frequently use them to zoom out and in, show restaraunts, show parking. That is about it.
The voice commands work fairly well. I would as many have suggested setting those "frequent contacts" in speed dials, then you can say "CALL SUE" for example. The secret to not have to listen to the guidance prompts each time is to hit the TALK button a second time each time and it skips it. It's still nice to have that option when you have a "brain fart". But hitting the TALK button a second time works great to stop the repetitive commentary.
Are there voice options for the Nav System? I'm hoping I can switch mine out to a Cylon Battle Centurion circa 1979 or so...