Man I hardly recognize anyone on my team, other than Jay Cutler because he's on the Bears. The only Bear I'd have really wanted is Matt Forte. Trade anyone? Anyway, either my draft sucked or I'm way out of touch with the NFL. Probably both.
Had worst drafts in the past least I'm not in major Bye-week trouble, so that's something Last time I seen that many red crosses I was in Accident and Emergency so that was a bit frightening :scared: but with luck most of my team should be fit next week. QB does seem to like the trainers table so I'll have to keep an eye on him. ray:
I have two receivers with week 7 byes, is that an issue? Anyone want to trade for Marshall, Brandon WR Den?
Not a big issue. You have 3 WR's playing each week (out of your rostered 4) and you have to decide whether to take the hit of one of them sitting out that week and hang on to him OR go for a free agent to replace him. Same thing with the Kickers and the D, when it comes to their Bye weeks, hang on to them and score zero that week or pick someone else up.:juggle: The joys of being a manager!
My draft sucked butt too. I got none of my top picks and I'm still 7th on the waivers list so no chance to get anyone else worthwhile early on.
Mine's OK. I knew to move every kicker to the bottom as well as D's. Othwerwise you end up autodrafting one in the early rounds which is a draft killer. As for Brandon Marshall...who knows if he even plays this year. He might just sulk in the corner all year long. If you're lucky he gets traded anyways and his bye will change.
Yup, heard this morning on the sports radio that he may be going to the Jets for a QB and draft picks. Of course, the rumour mill is rarely correct...
I just can't see it happening. Marshall covets a new deal more than the trade, the trade is just a way to get a new deal. Who the heck wants to pay top dollar as well as a first rounder for a guy that's a bigger headcase than TO ever was?
Don't know anything about the guy, but if he is any good, someone will pay. I mean, people offer big contracts to multiple time drug offenders, ex-cons, domestic abusers, DUIs, you name it. Signing a TO prima donna type seems like minimal risk in comparison.
D'oh! Never done an autodraft before and got burned with this. At least most of my running backs will be largely injury free since they don't actually see more than a snap or two a game! :rockon: Cheers, Dave
A real fantasy league draft is not done over the intertubes, it's in person. Internet drafting just doesn't compare.
Lol exactly why I like internet drafting. Has to be better than doing a real FF draft as clueless and unprepared as I would be.
The joy of working nights.....I can follow tonight's game live on the net! :eyebrows: Good luck everyone! :thumb: