Colon-oscopy.:drum: The owner's manual doesn't mention anything about it flashing. I'll have to see if mine does the same thing when I'm out and about tomorrow.
You can't! It flashes at a 1 sec rate to show time passing.. count 60 of the them the minute digit will increment up. For further ramifications of this phenomenon, listen to "Pink Floyds" song, "Time" for complete explaination on the passage of time..!
On other digital clocks that display only hours and minutes, that blinking colon is the seconds indicator. ---- Replied too late again, without refreshing the page to see is someone is moments ahead of me.
Excellent suggestion! lol To the OP, all Toyota clocks have a flashing colon. I hope you're not watching your clock all the time whilst you're driving? That's unless you have pre-collision...
Man I learn something new here everyday on these boards. I didn't know that blinking colon was blinking for seconds.
If it starts to shrink then it is likely in need of some water, if this happens try colonic irrigation! Sorry for making an arse of myself! Please don't worry about the flashing colon, some people are quite anal about these things. Ba boom!
I never noticed the flashing colon... now that will probably drive me crazy! (Kind of like the slightly-offset steering wheel... I should really stop reading these boards!)
I wish you guys would stop bumping this thread. I just know somewhere some colon is flashing without me. :fear: