Does anyone know where a PDF of the service manual and wiring schematics for the 2010 Prius can be obtained? The TIS website doesn't seem to handle those with non-US addresses.
Yes if you are in the U.S. you can go to TIS pay $15 for two days access and download anything you want. You have to do it one chapter at a time rather than getting the whole book but you can get it. Don't know why it's restricted, the chapters I have are for both the U.S and Canada, maybe some kind of copyright laws or something. I understand there may be another site for Europe but I'm not sure.
Thanks. Anyone know of a source available to Canadians? Or is anyone willing to e-mail it to me? Please? ;-)
If I ever get it all downloaded, I'll be glad to email you a copy. It is a very large document (probably at least 800 pages) - and I already used up my first $15 just downloading a small part of it.
Is the server's download speed so slow that one must take days to download the service manual? What is the link to the 2010 Service Manual site, please? Can the manual be ordered in hard copy?
Toyota Parts and Service Publication Description Pub # Price Repair Manaul VOL. 1 RM1291U1 $235.79 Repair Manaul VOL. 2 RM1291U2 $224.00 Repair Manaul VOL. 3 RM1291U3 $224.00 Repair Manaul VOL. 4 RM1291U4 $200.42 Owners Manual Navigation Guide ZVW30 OM47605U $15.95 Owners Manaul ZVW30 OM47594U $15.95 Owners Manaul CANADA ONLY! ZVW30 OM47652U $15.95 Owners Manaul ZVW30 OM47668U $15.95 Collision Repair Manual ZVW30 BM1290U $18.53 Sorry about the formatting.
Thanks very much for the kind offer! That would be very helpful! Let me know when you get it downloaded. Good luck!
Do you know the contents of each? I'm particularly interested in the wiring diagrams first. Then the others, once per pay period. <grins> Thanks, Bob Wilson
Gotta plead Sgt. Schultz on this one - I know nothing - no more than what's posted on the website I grabbed it from.
I am willing to organize a manual-download group, each person doing a "selection" that should download in the 2-day window, to help make the task shorter. I would like to know what parts other already have and found worth downloading, to best avoid downloading less useful stuff. PM me if you have any helpful information or inclination. Thanks, Gary
While I wait for responses, I will try to see what is useful to get. But, I cannot seem to find the list of downloadable segment names that somebody made. Where are they, please?
Apparently one subscribes at the Toyota TIS site: But, didn't somebody post a list of all the sections to download? Where is that please?
I paid the $15, and found the site VERY difficult to use, and the schematics were *not* a PDF. They have some type of new Java viewer.... This was not savable....
Were the schematics good quality and the fine detail readable if you zoomed in? Could you zoom in and move around? Could you print them?
For me (I have an EE degree), they were ULTRA klutzy, took forever to load, and then because you can't print - they took a long time to move froom place to place. End result is something that can't be used {MO}. Maybe the day was slow, and in hind sight, maybe I could have opened 10 windows, and bounced back and forth. I will say that I did not spend much time on them, and found it equally frustrating looking for basic docs like removing an interior panel. The EU site is FAR superior, and has many basic need docs (from cross posts). I really hope I was just tired and lame - because I like to fiddle - and in adding things (radio/nav, inverter, backup cam, sensors, random other switches etc), this is really a must for a clean mod... Please kibitz - if you think otherwise, or have a better way to navigate the thing, or have a better way to spend that $15... I won't do it again unless I understand there is something I'll get from the TIS site... As it stands, I am looking elsewhere........
Sounds like the schematics are almost unusable, and $15 each time one needs to reference them again. Are they in English? If not, is there a "key" to all the colors and terms used on the schematics? Which of the 4 books has the schematics? Is the Table of Contents of each of the 4 Service Manuals available anywhere?