I did, and yes, I did. Changing the unlock behavior when you hold the door handle, for instance, is not at all intuitive. There are other things I might have stumbled upon, but it was easier for me to read through the manual so I would at least remember seeing something when I decide to make changes.
I have and yes, I learned new things including holding down the MODE on the steering wheel to turn the radio off. Also learned how to properly tow the Prius (hope I never have to).
Yes, and yes. Guess this is a deeper dive version of this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii-2010-prius-main-forum/67298-does-anybody-read-manual.html
THANKS PFREEUS! I was wondering the other day how to turn off the radio from some button without hitting the power button...And reading your post has answered it! I appreciate it, and was going to get the owners manual out but you saved the day! Happy Prius Motoring... I love mine... Hope you do too
I'm still waiting for my car (dealer now says between the 15th & 18th) but thanks to Boo in New York I've been able to download a full copy of the manual in PDF format. So far I'm only to page 125 but have of course learned a lot. Now to see if I remember the important stuff when the car is here to practice on.
I read the manual cover to cover, and also watched the DVD that came along with it. I learned many, MANY things that wouldn't have been obvious to me. This is my first hybrid, and my first car with so many "bells and whistles"...lots to learn!!
I waited for 7 weeks for my car and did the same thing you are doing. It really helped when I got the car to know how some of the stuff worked. I had trouble with the nav system manual and just couldn't visualize what they were trying to tell me, there are some nav system videos that helped me: The 3rd Generation Toyota Prius Features go to the site and click on "DVD Navigation System".
I did, all of them, I like reading owner's manuals on everything I buy. My wife laughs at me but who do you think she comes to when she doesn't know how something works?
I read the manual from beginning to end before I bought the car. Helped me decide how I needed to approach the purchase.
I always read the owner's manual, and all the other documentation, whenever I get a new car. Did I learn anything new? Of course, and too many items to list. You're missing out on all your cars have to offer if you don't.
I definitely recommend reading the owner's manual. This 2010 is my third Prius. When I had my first (a 2004 model) I once had to jump start the car after the 12-volt battery discharged. Since I hadn't read the owner's manual, I stupidly tried to hook up jump start cables to the 12-volt battery at the back of the car. It was pretty difficult. If I'd read the manual, I would have known about the handy jump start terminal under the front hood. What? You don't know about that? Go read section 5-2 "Steps to take in an emergency" right now!