I have already owned 2 series 2 Prius T Spirits and am a full time ex Mercedes and now a Prius enthusiast. Last week I set off to my Toyota dealer to buy a new Series 3 Prius. What a disappointment. Toyota in my opinion have done a terrible job and the new Prius is awful. They have done away with the wonderful full colour Energy Monitor and consumption screens and the have created a totally unnecessary bridge between the dashboard and the central armrest. They have also stiffened up the suspension and installed a power button which engages the electrical drive full time. Using this button increases the fuel consumption significantly and I suspect increases the Co2 output as well. The boy racers who use this button frequently will surely take the Co2 output above the 100 g/km which might raise the question of the legality of the car being rated at zero cost for road tax purposes. Well I won’t be buying one. If I had wanted a boy racer I could save a lot of money and buy a Subaru Impreza. I think the series two will become the classic and I will just have to keep my relatively new one forever. Perhaps Derek Trotter would have a name for the Toyota Designer who made these awful changes and I could go on and on with the other design faults.
What button do you mean? The EV button or the Power mode button? The EV button can save fuel if used wisely. The Power button will increase consumption and yes, increase CO2 emissions since they are a direct consequence of burning gasoline. Reports from the field suggest the increase in consumption is hardly noticeable. But nobody forces you to use either button and you should give Toyota credit that they also added an 'Eco mode' button. Boy racers? Prius? You have lost me here. The Gen II IS already a classic and a very good vehicle. Hold on to it if you are happy with it. At first I hated the center console too, but now I'm used to it, I don't mind it that much. I now put the car in 'P' every time I stop for a traffic light so I don't have to keep my foot on the brakes (and blind the driver behind me, braking lights are very bright). That has been made much easier with the more convenient placement of the gear shift lever. While the new MID is not as beautiful and legible as the old MFD, it does have a new, rather useful screen: the HSI (Hybrid System Indicator). Another big improvement over the Gen II is the more relaxed idling check ceremony. It will go into stage 4 operation much easier.
OK, so don't buy one. The new center thing has been extensively discussed. You are welcome to read through those threads, but I will save you some time: some people like it, some people don't. As for the power button, I'm with the above poster. But maybe I'm wrong. Fortunately we have not yet had a problem in my area with streetracers speeding down the streets in their tricked-out Prii. How many will have to die before they remoe the power button? Really I don't see how you can complain about the designers giving us the flexibility of an additional option (two actually, if you count the balancing EV mode).
Quite unexpectedly found out the Gen III will burn rubber in PWR Mode under some circumstances...(How embarassing !)
You are entitled to your opinion but I don't think many will agree. Sales of Series 3 is up like 50% compared to series 2 sales last year, Sales is through the roof and Toyota has hit the nail on the new design. The poll of this group already shows that center console desin is more favorable that hated. I believe it's a great design, very stylysh and I find underneath the bridge area very useful to store junks I used to put on the passenger seat or floor. I never considered series 2 but new desing sold me on it. Let's not create another "I hate center console design" thread... It's been beaten to dead. :deadhorse:
Bingo. On this side of the Pond, very few boy racers would be caught dead in a Prius, so this would be a non-problem.
Not only has it been beaten to death, this is really not a 'technical discussion' in any sense of the word, so doesn't belong here to begin with. There's plenty of threads like this is the general forum already.
Umm.... The PWR doesn't increase CO2 up and over just flooring it in "normal" or "default" mode. Unless you're matching the rated mpg, you're spewing out more than 89g/km of CO2. In fact, your larger 16" alloys on the Series 2 spew out more CO2 than the 15" alloy version. And.. well if it's that bad, then don't get one I guess?? I have both versions and I love them both.
One of the dealers told me you can burn rubber in Power Mode. He also said to me, "Isn't the blue emblem nice looking." ha
As much as I like your (rare these days) consideration for other drivers, I do hope that you apply the park brake before doing this, particularly if you've stopped at a traffic light that's on a incline/decline. Otherwise, you're going to wear out your park pawl in the gearbox very quickly.
I got my Prius V with NAV Friday night, I have been with Honda for 15 years buying 11 cars between my wife and I. Traded my van in no Cash for clunkers! Toyota gave me the Best Deal I have ever had. My car was inside the showroom the only car inside all cars gone thanks to CFC. 12 car's total in the dealership. They drove my car out and I left the dealership My mirror was bouncing from the bass! and that console was in my way! Man o Man was it fun!!!!A++++++ I am 52 years old and I feel like a kid again! feel sorry for this guy he doesn't get it.Toyota must have it right, watch they will put the rest of the car-makers to bed in the next few years.
Sounds to me like you are looking for excuses not to buy the new Prius. The issues you describe aren't that significant and I would suggest you not touch the Power button if its such a big deal to you and let others make their own decision on that issue. Opinions are like elbows...everyone has one or two. But as for me, I feel Toyota has hit a home run with the Gen III. But, that's just my opinion. I may be wrong. WDT
Kaptmorgan hit it on the head! I am 53, and enjoying most everything in the Series III, Model V. The Power Button sure helps getting on and up to speed on the interstates, the car actually has some "WOW". As far as kids burning rubber, most would not consider a Prius, so let them burn all the extra C02 Emissions in the Mustangs, 4X4 Trucks or other high performance cars. The Prius is perfect for the majority of us.
If you're not sure what I'm talking about, at least ask the question instead of replying with a "huh"... :noidea:
The park "pawl" is exactly that, a pawl that mechanically engages and locks the transmission (if the Prius works like all other cars I am familiar with) being a mechanical finger that engages and disengages there is some wear. Put it under a load and the wear is accelerated. Using it at every stoplight is probably more than it was intended to be used and it may not last as long if it is over used. Now I could be completely wrong, the Prius could use some other form of locking the car in park, I don't know.
Nope you're not wrong at all. The park pawl is a part of the shift control actuator assembly and is activated electrically (sometimes you'll hear a metallic click noise when pressing the park button).