TSBs are usually not tied to VINs. There are TSBs related to 'Engine Failed to Start' issue where an ECM recalibration (programming) is done. There is no VIN associated with this, though a tech could check the calibration version in your vehicle with the scan tool. To update, he has to upload it to his scanner. He can only have so many (I think 4) loaded on his scanner at any time, and the tool is used for other vehicles besides Prius.
On the TSB there is a VIN range of possible affected vehicles- apparently that is how the Prius Tech checks individual VIN numbers, he checks them against the TSB. My husband hasn't asked him directly though. I'll ask him to do so when he goes back to work.
What TSB do you see a VIN range? It does list the VIN where the new programming is already installed, but entering a VIN won't bring up the TSB. Interesting enough, EG038-04 is to correct oxygen sensor errors, superceeding EG018-3, but EG047-04 is for the 'engine failed to start' errors, and supercedes EG027-4. EG047-4 calibration ID 34705100 supercedes the calibration ID 34705000 in EG038 however. EG047-4 was released 10/18/04 with TSB writeup revisions later.
well, i don't work there dan... all i know is what my husband tells me and that the tech uses the vin to find out whether the car should be flashed. i am not familiar with the toyota software. i will have my husband ask this guy. once he isn't sick and can go back to work and talk to the guy.
I'm here 'cause my 05 (Feb manufacture) went belly-up at about 35 mph two days ago. No motive power at all, although I understand most people still have battery. I had the red triangle and brake failure icons pop up at the same time it stalled. I could not shut the little guy down with the power button; (AC blower etc. stayed on). Finally put the key in the dash and after numerous trys it finally shut down. Had to be towed to the dealer who said I was out of gas (352 miles on a full tank --??). Dealer spent about an hour on the telephone with Toyota, however. Tom
When this news first "broke", about 3 weeks ago, I called my dealer, Camelbacck Toyota, in Phoenix AZ, asking if my '05 Prius' VIN was in the suspect range and they said they weren't aware of the problem! Also, they would mail me info as soon as they got anything on it - nothing to date. Not a problem for me because I very rarely drive on freeways or over 35 mph. And I haven't observed any stalling.
It makes NO sense to issue a recall until they know what causes a problem and how to fix it. Since the problem hasn't been reported in over 99.9% of the Prii sold so far, they really don't have enough forensic info. Especially with computer code. How many times has MS put out a Windows fix that broke something else? While I hope to never have the problem and emphathize with those that have, I'd rather not have Toyota throwing out a 'fix' for all 2004/5 Prii ever sold until they have the proper details to provide it. The guy I sold my '95 Odyssey to asked if I had seen the NY Times (like I could even lift it let alone have time to read it) article on the Prius. He was SO concerned, that he offered to swap the Odyssey for my Prius. I wouldn't even have to give him any money! He even generously gave me 48 hours to think it over before his offer would expire. Despite the amazing deal he was offering, only to save me from potential disaster I'm sure, I managed to turn it down in about 1/64 of a second.
I'm one of those that stalled at highway speeds - 3 times, and another 2 times at lower speeds in neighborhood driving. It was all after I got the fuel guage "fix". The first couple of times, I called a tow truck. The dealer always paid for the tow, and always gave me a free loaner, but he was getting upset because the computer always gave an error of "Out of fuel". Finally, he saw that I stalled with only about 200 miles driven, and the MPG estimate at 48. About two months ago, he changed the computer. The fuel indicator is not very accurate, but more reliable. I can drive about 300 miles before I drop the first bar, but then it goes down gradually. The MPG estimate has been very close to actual. By the way, if it happens to you, I found that the car will restart successfully after about 10 minutes. Regardless of how much gas you have, fill it up! The red triangle will go away.
300 miles on the first fuel bar?? Is that right?? Wow, I'm getting 300 miles for 5-6 bars on the guage. How is that possible? Just wondering... The max I've gone on the first fuel bar has been 120 miles @53 MPG. Got 520 miles out of that tank, ending @ 51 MPG. Summer temps and very little speeds above 70 MPH.
Don't get excited about the 300 miles on the first bar. I'm getting between 48 and 50 MPG per tank. Once the first bar goes, the rest take less than 20 miles each.
Note that he said the dealer installed a new computer and that In other words, it is predictable. The distance you can go on the first bar depends a LOT on how much gas you cram in the tank I think I must have filled into the pipe before my trip to MA on Saturday. I wanted to make SURE I had the option to skip getting gas if wasn't cheaper there than here. It isn't. Didn't drop the first bar until about 190 miles. 'Normal' of late, has been about 120 miles without trying to top it. The bars since have been 30-50 which is pretty normal for me. MPG 50.2 down ~ 225 miles. 49.7 by the time I got back home. Must be there are hills in the Green Mountain State. Just dropped to 2 bars on the way to work this morning ~470 miles.
Some of these "stalls" are no doubt merely YBD (You Big Dummy) syndrome, for example the final story recounted at http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews...s/11825808.htm)
My '04 stalled a couple of weeks ago. I was traveling about 35 mph and was able to quickly and safely pull over and creep into a parking lot on battery. The mean yellow triangle icon appeared on my dash - but it was the horrible symbol showing my Prius bisected with an exclamation mark that was really scary. My car wouldn't restart (gas engine wouldn't come on) even after I waited 15-20 minutes. I called the dealer and the service guy said "oh, yeah - that's been happening sometimes...it's a computer glitch." I had it towed to the dealership where they said they "reset" the computer to fix the problem. They said there was a Technical Service Bulletin about that happening, but I didn't get any more info.
Depending when it occured, that would be EG027 or EG047. There's an EG038 for a different symptom, but same solution, update ECM code. These are TSBs, not campaigns. No notice would be issued to you.
my 05 prius is my 6th toyota and i became friends with the tech at my local dealership...went there this am and asked him if he has any info on the stall problem.he said yes and took me to his computer and showed me the cars in question were made prior to late feb.o5 [about the 23rd]. he showed me the vin numbers in question and mine was made in dec 04 can be corrected with a software fix.made appt for mon am. so far i havent had a problem but like you all dont want one. dont know when he received the info but dont think he had it long.so far no recall. hope this answers a lot of our questions.