Today my neighbor was having a yard sale and there was a lot of traffic. This really is not the place for a yard sale because this is a dead end road and its barley wide enough for 1.5 cars to fit. Well instead of driving 700 feet to my cousins huge driveway at the end of the street they all like to turn around in my driveway including all these big nice person FSP. Well this one lady was not paying attention and ran right into the ditch off my driveway. No damage to the driveway or ditch that I could tell. No damage that I could see on the car. My neighbor got a wood board under the front tire and backed her out. I ask why are women allowed to drive? Here is a link to the video. I was just kidding about women drivers. But they need to stay in the kitchen. j/k
The issue has nothing to do with gender. The issue has everything to do with the licensing of drivers: For some inexplicable reason, we seem to feel that a license to operate a 6,000-lb machine at 70 mph is a right that should only require the most basic of training: which pedal is "go" and which pedal is "stop" and how to turn the wheel, and then the ability to direct the damn thing under ideal conditions. Then, to make it worse, you can take your test in a Geo Metro and your license allows you to drive a Chevy Suburban which is twice as long and twice as wide. If we as a society were not total morons and assholes, it would require at least as much training to get a driver's license as to get a pilot's license, and the license would require an endorsement for each different class of car the individual wanted to operate. I had to take a trike test to drive my Xebra, but the test I took in my old Honda Civic allows me to drive a dump truck! This is insane! The woman who drove into your ditch didn't know how to control even her little car. But she can get in a great big SUV and drive it around town or on the freeway. This is not about women drivers; it's about incompetent drivers, and most of the drivers on our roads are incompetent because the law does not require any training, and only the simplest driving test.
There are probably even more idiot male drivers, because they feel pressure to cop more of an attitude about it. But the solid smack upside the head that *all* of them need would be refreshingly gender-free... . _H*
My dad had a bad habit of backing into things. I am sure he would have loved the new back up cameras. When my mom, at 81, went to the El Cajon DMV she had to take the written test 3 times and the driving test 3 times as well. On the third try the evaluator came up to me first and said "I HAVE to pass her but you shouldn't let her drive". Thanks dude. It took months to teach her a couple simple routes to the grocery store, Walmart and church. I finally did have the eye doctor help me to convince her it was time to stop driving. There are so many reasons why people who should not be driving are still allowed behind the wheel of a car and it has nothing to do with gender.
Denying a driving license to someone who is incompetent to drive should not be regarded as a violation of their rights! The last time I rode in the car with my father driving (he was in his early 80's at the time) he kept drifting out of his lane, apparently without realizing it. I had to tell him he was getting dangerously close to the car next to us. My sister finally convinced him to quit driving. He would not listen to me. But my mom, at 90, made the decision not to renew her license. She was smarter than my dad, and recognized that it was no longer safe for her to drive. For a couple of years she had limited herself to short, slow-speed, daytime drives on the familiar route to the P.O., the library, and the grocery store.
"Go make me a sandwich" he bellowed? Snappy smart-assed comment number one: 'Sure, I'll go see if the boys next door are busy. Want pictures?'
Snappy answer #2. Sure, as soon as you make me: (rich, beautiful, sane, etc) Snappy answer #3. Sure, but I only make conch sandwiches so where are our tickets to Key West?
g's preferred comeback: i'll make you a knuckle sandwich. since you're so helpless, i can feed it to you too.
I think not. She was trying to execute a 3-point turn. She was clearly paying attention. The problem was she was incompetent: She didn't know where her car was in relation to the street and the ditch. Permit her to drive a wide SUV and she'll straddle the lane, side-swipe someone, and kill people.
Way, way back, when dinosaurs ruled the earth, I 'missed' a driveway I was turning left into off a highway. It was on a curve, and crowned right at the edge, and I couldn't really see where the driveway was, so I assumed that it sloped down straight. It didn't. It veered off to the right. I ended up going right down the (steep) grassy ditch, and then bounced up the other side, right up into the parking lot. It was embarrassing. Fortunately, my little girl was strapped into her car seat, and was just fine (this was so many years ago, car seats for kids were not even required). I've had worse accidents in the kitchen, come to think of it...
Well since this is a bit of a humorous thread I can add a dumb thing I did about a month ago. I was in a parking lot late evening and I had to stop the car, go out and take care of some business (I'm not going into details). It was one of those moments that I just HAD to do it. Anyway, afterwards, I went back into my car and failed to realize that I concrete barrier about 6 inches high was right in front of the car but not visible. I accelerated and ended up on top of the cement with no traction at all. I called AAA and they had me on my way within 30 minutes. I felt like such a schmuck!
"You better comeback with a godame sandwitch" is probably my favorite yahoo answer. I have a driveway cam for... 1. Security 2. So I can see who is in my driveway 3. So I can spy on the neighbors. I have a total of 8 cameras covering every side of my house After thinking about it I have not had my grass cut for about 2 weeks and its kind of high. I guess she may have thought she could just cut through my yard a bit instead of properly turning around. If so I hope that taught her a lesson. I think I should just keep the grass high right there to teach others a lesson that try to be lazy and try to cut through my yard. :evil:
Mr Jay, Was there a fence surrounding the public health hazard in question ? Was proper signage posted to warn public of said public health hazard ? Please provide documentation of EMS, LBQ, and PCP licensure of person involved in vehicle retrieval. Response due in 72 minutes, or actions will regrettably need to be taken. Sincerely,