Hey guys, I've had my Prius for around two months now and today I noticed that when the friction breaks start to kick in the breaks squeak like the break pads are already worn out. How is this possible? Any suggestions?
Try applying the brakes fairly briskly at a speed of about 25-30MPH to clean off the rotors, then, on a clear unobstructed roadway, accelerate to about 10-15MPH in reverse and apply the brakes FIRMLY, you may need to repeat this step 2-3 times, that may reduce the brakes tenency to squeal by cleaning off the rotors in both directions. 850mi. should be sufficient mileage to have seated the pads to the rotors. David (aka Blind Guy)
I looked at them briefly, I think there is a little bit if rust on there.. Appreciate the responses, I've herd about applying the breaks quickly but, I hate doing that in any car - I guess I have to do it to clean the rust off of the rotors eh?:juggle:
Make sure its not the regen braking. The DVD will have sample of all the sounds you'll here with the prius..including those while braking.
Why reverse? You can do it much more safely going forward. The important bit is to put the car in Neutral before doing as evenly-applied a braking event as you can, which disables regen and goes solely to the hydraulics. . Please don't misinform people about this stuff, huh? . _H*
Dave The Blind Guy is correct on the reverse application as an additional step--I picked up this tip on a Mercedes forum when I had an E320 while living near the ocean, and the build-up and squeaking was persistent. It works. It has something to do with the trailing edge of the pad being cleaner as a second step to remove the rust/glazing that the leading edge of the pad might be collecting as it initially cleans the rust. All I can say is aggressive forward braking did not fix it unless you also made some quick stops in reverse as well.
Mine has 700 miles and the caliper holders are squeeking when I roll slowly. No big whup. I'll bet that since I've used mostly re-gen to brake the car, the brakes are not even seated yet.
Thanks for everyone's replies. I looked at the rotors and there isn't any rust on them - just a little line where the breaks don't rub against the rotors. I applied my breaks going forward and backwards pretty briskly, I'll just leave it at that for now. I'm not so worried.
what are the caliper holders? My Prius will sometimes squeak while running only on EV, in parking garages at slow speeds. I was just going to have the dealership lube something or something at my oil change.
Bedding in brakes is a science. Just google "bedding in brakes" to see what I mean, but it is important to note that process is for racing brakes with special compounds, not our Prii's. For normal street driven automobiles all that is necessary is to avoid heavy brake use for the first 400 to 500 miles. If your brakes are making abnormal noises, that's what the dealer and warranties are for. The one thing that must work is the brakes, most other things like the engine are optional.
I have 58,000 miles on my girl and owned for 10 years. I mostly city drive so I don't think I ever used the actual brake pads. I started doing some longer drives in her recently since I do Insta-cart and really have been driving the car finally. I noticed a scrapping sound from the brakes like the pads are worn out but I noticed rust on the inside track of rotors. I inspected it after my shift and noticed the inside track rust look as though it was starting to shave down. I will remove the front tires and inspect further. I have heard other owners changing brake pads after 100,000 plus miles some even saying 50% of the brakes were still int-acted. Last year when inspected they said I had plenty of brake pad left so I don't think I could have gone through the pads so quickly and I play the hyper-mile game every chance I get so I don't drive like its a NASCAR that is what my Mustang is for . Anyone else experience that with Gen 3 brakes making that hard scrap?
If you've used the brake pedal you've used the actual brakes. Maybe not as much as a regular car, but they always take some portion of the load. Do you ever have the brakes serviced/inspected, ie: calipers pulled off, pads/shins inspected and cleaned, caliper pins relubed, rotors inspected, checked against spec and fresh lube on all pad/caliper points? Or am I speaking a foreign language?