For the first time ever someone (sort of) recognized my car: I had just parked and gotten out and someone on the sidewalk asked me, "Is that a hybrid?" Up until now, the most I had ever gotten was, "What kind of car is that?"
I got the "Hey, roll down the window" today at a stop light where someone recognized the car. The light turned green, but as we were pulling away he asked how I liked my car. You know the answer.....
To steal an Ellen Degeneres joke, did they do the arm motion for you to manually roll down the window? :lol:
People are starting to notice. We got asked questions 4 times this weekend on a trip to visit our son in Columbus OH. People seem very interested now that gas prices are making the news.
Was walking across a parking lot this weekend, and saw someone with a new Prius pulling (very quietly) into a parking space nearby - my comment was "running in Stealth mode, eh?" It's great to be seeing more of these running around. 8)
I almost forgot....on my way to work yesterday(4/4/04) I drove by a car and the people in there were using a camera in a cell phone to take pictures of the car...I bet they took 10 shots...they'd take a picture and pass the phone around the car for everyone to look!! Kinda weird.
This weekend (our first with the car) we had a guy in a Porsche roll up beside us and give us the thumbs up.
I was in Mexico when the movie came out, and I was feeling homesick, so I went to see the movie. There is NOTHING WHATSOEVER of Fargo in the movie except the title. It all takes place in Minneapolis/St. Paul and in and around Brainerd, Minnesota, both a very long ways from here. The winter countryside looks about the same, though. And the movie was very well-done. The caricatures of Minnesotans were hilarious. But they should have called the movie "Brainerd." I was very disappointed, it was a case of false advertising. I repeat; there is nothing of Fargo in the movie "Fargo."