Came home from work and the package was waiting for me. My first thought was how light the package was and immediately thought that was a bad thing. Opening the package, contents include: right piece, left piece, primer, and instructions in Japanese. The material has a cheap and plastic feel to it. The finish looks nice but would've been a lot better if it was metallic. Looks ok. Looks ok. Conclusion: I'm not blown away, especially given the cheap material, but it does enhance an otherwise boring front grill. Again, would have been better if the pieces were metallic.
I like that very much. Even though it may have a light feel, the main things is does it look good and I think it does Really hope we are going to be able to get these kind of accessories in the UK. I am not sure with the cost of shipping to the UK and current exchange etc if it will be worth it
I'm w/ the OP - doesn't blow me away. Might look a bit more obvious on a black car, but I'm afraid it'd do nothing for a silver and very little for BP.
i like it. it is subtle but, it adds a little to the looks of it. that's the same one i considered and would get if i weren't so cheap (ie it's too expensive! for what it is) have you considered doing some sort of metallic finish paint to the fog light blanks? or a metallic bumper protector in the back? also, a matching chromy licence plate frame may help further accent the front car.
GadgetDad: Right beneath the blue emblem, to the left and right. It's were the plastic front grill is. Young: I did consider it but felt the metallic bumper protector would get scratched up too easily. I went with the official toyota plastic one. For the fog lights, I think if I did anything, I would just buy the fog lights. I am considering the metallic rear garnish right now. I'll put pictures up again if I go through with it.
i just painted the fog light blanks w/ some rustoleum paint. bought some plastic primer spray and what i thought was more chrome than metallic spray paint. it looks more like the alloy wheel color which in hindsight is good. i like it better than the gray plastic blanks. paint said not to clear coat it (not sure why.) i thought about taking out the blanks but, i'm lazy! so i just taped it off and spray painted them. --- while i looked at the grille, i thought about painting those as well. it looks like it can be removed altogether so that you could paint them separately. but, i'm not totally decided yet if i want to do that. another option may be the sticker-like material another poster mentioned when he changed the blue emblem to a carbon fiber look.
Just happened to see this thread here. As an FYI, I did a cheapo grill accent a couple weeks ago - reviewed in this Thread: