Last week, temps in the 70s, my tank MPG over 56, the world was a happy place and the snow flake on the dash but a distant memory of times past and fuel wasted.... Now, this morning, there it was again!!! 31 degrees and snow notice how it sorta looks like an eye, just staring, taunting...smirking even.... :cussing:
[:sarcasam:]What's a snowflake icon?[:/sarcasm] :-D Only time I ever saw it here in SoCal was a trip up to Big Bear Lake (7000ft). Funny, initiially, the light was supposed to be blue I thought per NCF, but I could be recalling incorrectly.
The grass is always greener. I like seeing all the seasons, but, I also like to have some predictibility... And I was just teasing with Rick. --evan
I'd much rather have 40 degrees below zero than 100% humidity. The mere idea of Florida gives me the creeps. Even if you don't get the snowflake, or snow, for that matter. No place is perfect. Now, if I could just live in Seville and make it be July and August all year around!
Had that damned thing all morning today - we did hit 50 by 5:30pm today though in Northern Virginia. -m.
Evan, You have predictability, maybe just not the consistancy of trend you want (every day of spring warmer than the last) Where I live in NW Vermont, one can reliably predict at least one 1" snowfall in April (but not when in April). What is VERY predictable is the leaves - 1st week of May, you can see the light green buds. Even at a distance, the trees have a light green cast. 2nd week, WHAM all the trees have leaves.