I've had my prius for about 3 weeks now. I have noticed that when I'm coasting downhill, if I press very lightly on the gas pedal, all the arrows on the energy display turn off. The car maintains its speed, but neither engine is on and the battery is not charging - the wheels are spinning, but nothing else seems to be happening. If I take my foot completely off the gas pedal or if I press down harder on the gas pedal, the energy flow arrows and the engine indicators return. Is this normal behavior for the prius?
my experience, whether coasting down a hill or just coasting has been the opposite - barely tapping the brake immediately registers a reverse flow of electrons (i luv saying that) back into the battery. I was amazed at how sensitive the brake is in this regard. I believe either coasting with no foot on the brake or pushing the brake in any capacity while moving should indicate electrons flowing back into their happy home.
i think having your foot just slightly on the gas pedal puts you into "glide" mode. no regen and no energy use. i use "glide" often on my way to school in the mornings. taking your foot off the gas or lightly touching the brake starts up regen and the mfd registers a flow of energy back to the battery.
You can go into glide mode on the flat and even on up hill, but you will loose speed to do it. Sometime that is worth it as you are heading to a stop light and don't want to pixx too many people behind you off. No energy transfer is useful to improve gas milage used properly.
its perectly normal, and like others have said, its a great way to riase your MPG. It basically is putting the car in neutral, and can be achived by SLIGHTLY pressing the gas pedal while under 42mph (any higher, and the prius will only be able to go into super stealth mode)
From a technical explanation, consider this. You already know the ICE turns off when not needed, so we are not getting energy from that. You also see it go to regen (energy from motor to battery) when you let go of the gas. er I mean accelerator. Also you see energy flow from the battery to the motor if you press the accelerator some. So there has to be a midpoint between regen and motor power without ICE where the car uses NO energy at all.