Hi together Im Dominic from Switzerland. Im 29 and driving a Highlander Hybrid. On Saturday I bought a Prius 2 for my girlfriend, so we'll modify a lil bit. I also have a restored 4-Runner as a fun-car. One question to the priuschat-shop-owner. Dont you ship to switzerland? Im interessted in some parts, but in the registration form you can only choose usa. Here some pics of my cars: Prius: I already eleminated these wheelcovers. Today im gonna change all lights and the big plastic number-plate thing. After that some new pics will be made Highlander: All lights changed, Chrome plate, V6 grill, Zinik 20" wheels, bugdeflector 4-Runner: Completely restored, own built Softtop, Kamei Front, Modular wheels, and many more
Ciao, Speedsta. Welcome to Priuschat and congrats on the two-hybrid relationship! :welcome: Though there are no plans currently, I should be returning to Zug a couple times in 2010. Hopefully we can have lunch one day.
Tony: Zug is very close to my home, just gimme a call when youre comming Probably you can get some small parts with you for me? Tideland: Yep they are very rare because they are not officialy sold here. Only a few importer here who get them in. I got it because it looks nicer than the RX400h and it has much more space (and it also costs a much less). Just saw yesterday a Merlotred Prius from Virginia crusin around near Lungern
Imported from USA. The price difference between european and us-cars are pretty high. My Highlander was around 25'000$ cheaper as an RX400h with the same setup. And its even more usefull (7 Seats, more space etc.)
wow... If we were to import a European or Japanese vehicle that isn't sold here, we'll be paying an exorbant amount.