Quit 24 years ago. But haven't seen a new car with an ashtray or lighter for some time. My 2005 Xterra (which I traded for my 2010 Prius IV) didn't have either.
Former. Started in 1970 or '71, stopped in 2002, Christmass day, after a heart attack. The good folk at the local ER had to revive me several times that night. (Those paddles leave nasty burns on your chest!) I now have two stents in right coronary artery. So, I've been smoke free for about 7 years now.
People, particularly smokers ask me what I do now after sex. I tell them the truth, I have more sex! Smoke away, I'll have your share.
I can honeslty say it was for both economic reasons and enviromental reasons. I had a car that was getting 35 MPG before so its not like the car I had was killing me in gas...thanks for the question though.
I gave them up 9 years ago, but I am still a smoker. I still want them. In fact, if the news came on tonight and the lead story was that a comet was going to hit the earth in 6 months and annihilate us, my first stop would be the Stop 'n Rob for a carton of Luckys. I am glad I quit. I feel better in many ways and smokers are increasingly treated as pariahs, so I am glad I don't have to deal with that, but I do miss the coffin nails.
Gave up cigarettes after a bad experience in the FIFTH GRADE! Ever now and then I will smoke a brisket, pork shoulder or some baby back ribs! BUT NEVER IN THE CAR!
I think we know the same woman .... see a doctor at once! I don't mind the rare cuaba salomon (Cuban cigars are easily obtained in Canada), that was a habit I picked up in my mid 20's. Now that I think about it, I haven't had one for a few months now Have never touched anything else