Does anyone have the process for how to do this? I was changing out the bulbs and one of them dislodged up into the assembly and I can't figure out how to it all down to screw it back in. Thanks.
I don't see any screws such as the GII's have so I am just not sure of where I should be trying to attack it from.
I did it, and was scared. Reach up nearest the front glass, and pry down with your fingertips to remove the small front piece, two clip hold it in place. then pry down on the front of the maplight section. Be careful... my passenger side lens flew out and broke (strike one)! This part has 2 pairs of clips. The glass side, front-farthest from you - will pop off, the rear ones - closest to you - are a little tricky. If you tip it down enough, you can see where the second set of clips go in. I used a long screw driver to hold the piece that it attached to in place while I pull down. BE carefull not to push teh screwdriver up against the roof sheet metal, you don't need a pimple on your roof! Why use the screwdriver? Because there's a piece of thick double-sided foam tape that holds this part tight to the roof...I ripped mine (strike 2) There's a short wire harness holding the maplight in place.
I got it apart easily with your help and would ya know, the simpliest thing with putting the plastic lens back on the passenger side, one of the clips breaks. Were you able to score another lens from your dealer? I guess I will be finding out myself tomorrow.
mine broke the same way. I put some clear packing tape on it ad wrapped it up-hardly visible. I'll replace it one of these days. If you get a new one, please post a part number and price.
Yes, or the dome light assembly...not sure of the exact phrase. The manual calls them the personal/interior lights.
Here is a pdf for removing rearview mirror that happen to tell you how to take off the map light assembly.