... Ultracapacitor Hybrid MRAPs ~

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by asjoseph, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. Rybold

    Rybold globally warmed member

    May 14, 2008
    Southern California
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Hill, ammonium-nitrate might be better than just cow manure, but I think we could get by on just cow manure. The big question is that of: if the tractors that harvest the crops are fueled by biodiesel, would there be a net positive yield? Or, will the tractors consume as much biodiesel as is being produced?

    Personally, I feel that if we can get all passenger cars off of petroleum, we would be perfectly okay to continue to let tractors (and hybrid-diesel semi-trucks) continue to use petro diesel. What do you think of this? Still too much pollution, or would this be acceptable from a global-warming standpoint? Would tractors-only be negligible?

    Windstrings, you made a good contribution and it makes perfect sense. Initially, I think people would stick together and share the labor. (In some cases, I know what you mean about hiding from everyone - I used to be one of those people in school that disliked group projects because I ended up doing most of the work). I know I could manage to hide and evade the thugs. When I was a teenager, I was an expert at hiding and evading (all of us were, weren't we?). Knowing how to hide and be quiet are natural instinct. (no flashlights at night! you don't want anyone to know where you are) Initially, I would probably grab resources from my house and hide the resources. Others would want to steal/mooch, so I would keep my resources hidden and pretend I didn't have anything. Depending on the atmosphere (safety) of my community, I might stay or I might head for the wilderness and hide in the wilderness with my hiking backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and a bag of charcoal or some water filters. Yes, I would have to find a stream with running water, but wild animals are evidence that such water sources exist. I would follow the trails of wild animals to find water.

    Anyways, back on topic of ULTRA capacitors.
  2. Mister Two

    Mister Two New Member

    Aug 25, 2009
    CA, USA
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well think again. Going green does have some tangible benefits for winning a battle. The obvious one is increased travel range that comes naturally with less fuel usage. The other benefit is as the ProPulse site mentions, a "reduced heat signature", which helps get idling vehicles off the heat-seeking radar/infrared scanners while maintaining their instant mobility.