I really want to be able to like the new

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by yardman 49, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    I must be in the mood to get flamed today, so here comes a rant :rant: ......

    Disclaimer: this is really meant for those who have either decided not to upgrade to the G3, or who have bought a G2 even after the G3 was released, or who currently own or have owned both generations For the newer members who have just come into the Prius fold via the G3, if you have "thin skin" you may want to stop reading now, so that your sensibilities are not offended.......


    I've posted in other threads about my general dislike of the some of the makeover of the interior of the G3; I've also posted about some of the "cheap" exterior changes that we have seen (gray fog light blanks, poor details in and around wheel wells, etc).

    Well, this week when I was at the Toyota dealership, I had a chance to look at another G3 close up. Every time I look at a G3 up close, I find it to be a frustrating experience, because I really do want to like the G3. But every time I get up close and personal, there are new things to dislike.

    Here's one: many peoply complain about the "bulbous" look of the G2. But I find that the G3 (with the stock rims/hubcaps) looks like one of those "cartoon car" play toys that children play with, the kind where the chassis is too short compared to the "height" of the vehicle (as though the length had been shrunk while maintaining the height). The G3 looks like it's about 2 feet too short for the body side elevation.

    Added to that are the body line creases that appear to be stolen from a Cadillac product (think Escalade). And the black spoiler. And the aforementioned grey plastic fog light blanks. And the unbelievably ugly 5 spoke wheels/hubcaps. And the blue background "mega badges"

    Then on the inside, the rear seat "feels" less roomy than the G2. It may be that the front seat reshaping seems to make them intrude more into the rear. And since it's been beat to death in other threads, I won't get into the front "cockpit" feel.

    As others have mentioned, there appears to be more "flex" to the inside door panels, as well as the outside door sheet metal, which is evident when opening/closing doors, reinforcing the "cheapness" aspect (some in other threads have even reported that the inside door panels can be seen to be vibrating when the sound system is turned up, or when the power windows are closed).

    There's no use in mentioning the other interior shortcomings; or the "content reduction" in the models/packages being offered, that seem to be intent on forcing us to buy up to higher packages to get the same amenities that we use to get for "free" on the lower G2 packages.

    I say that I really want to like the G3, and I mean it: if something bad were to happen to my G2, I would replace it with a G3, but only out of absolute necessity, since there are no longer any new G2s.

    Hopefully, I'll never come to that bridge, and if I ever have to replace my G2, the G4, G5, G6 or G7 will currently be available.

    Phew! Thanks for letting me vent! :grouphug:
  2. PaulHS

    PaulHS Member

    Feb 6, 2008
    SE PA
    2007 Prius
    I don't know, Frank, maybe you're protesting too much. Then again, tell us how you really feel.:D
  3. blippo

    blippo New Member

    May 24, 2009
    2009 Prius
    I had the choice between the 2009 and 2010. I drove both. But the interior is what I didn't care for on the 2010. I couldn't get past that to like it enough to buy one. The console, position of computer displays. I was so glad I went ahead and found and bought a white 2009 with the interior I wanted.
  4. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    You know, Paul, I do have to confess that I think there is one thing that I've found to like on the new G3: I've read that there is automatic power-down and up on all windows now, not just the driver's window.

    If true, I could at least say there is one thing that I like better about the G3. ;)

    OK, well maybe getting slightly better gas mileage is a plus to the G3 that I might say that I like. But since the Fuel Efficiency Display in the G3 is, let's say, rather more "optimistic" (stretches the truth) than that on the G2, then maybe it's not really that much of an improvement after all. :eek:
  5. a_gray_prius

    a_gray_prius Rare Non-Old-Blowhard Priuschat Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    It really does look better lowered with a different set of rims, but that might be a little too much for the um.... "more conservative" buyers of the prius.
  6. AussieOwner

    AussieOwner Active Member

    Jul 12, 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    2007 Prius
    I finally got a chance to sit a GenIII last weekend and have to agree - much prefer my Gen II.

    I have to differ with you, Frank, on the body line crease - I like that, but, to me, the interior is a massive step backwards. Here in Australia, we are only offered two models - a base model and an everything loaded model (although the Gen III is now offering an everything loaded and one with not quite everything loaded) but as I have a base model, I was looking at the equivalent base model Gen III. Gone is the nice clean controls for the stereo and climate cotrol - hidden away in the MFD, replaced by more dials and switches than in a cockpit of a 747. :mad:

    Considering that most of us setup the stereo to suit ourselves and then leave it alone, why clutter up the panel with all those controls that are rarely used? Same for the climate control - once you have set it up, it is rare that you need to touch the controls again.

    I am due to retire shortly, and I am planning to buy a taxi to keep me occupied. My plan was to use a Prius - the Gen II base model has a nice spot under the stereo to fit the meter, and there is plenty of room for the radio under the panel and credit card swipe/printer in the centre consol. With the Gen III, I just cannot see the room for any of this equipment.:(

    Now I am going to have to re-think about the vehicle I buy.
  7. Dobey

    Dobey New Member

    Apr 25, 2009
    2009 Prius
    I've also looked at the G3 many times (there are a few at the carpark at work), and I just seem to dislike the exterior shape more and more. I'm sure the powerplant, FE and handling have been greatly improved, but we're talking about aesthetics here, right?

    Hate the bulbous headlights. No aerodynamic reason to go for that shape, why do it?

    The "chopped" look of the back - the rear visibility may have been improved, but the rear now looks like a sheer cliff.

    The sharp angles of the body, mainly towards the rear - why, other than for styling purposes that missed the mark?

    Dislike the number of buttons around the MFD - there's something to be said for greatly simplifying controls, especially in a moving vehicle. This has always been the struggle and the goal for aircraft cockpits, why not in automobiles?

    Anyway, all these are subjective assessments... maybe the design will grow on me, but hopefully a more aesthetically pleasing Gen 4 will be out by the time I need to upgrade.
  8. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    AGP, you are definitely correct; it's really the stock wheels/hubcaps on the G3 that accentuate the "shortened" look.

    Along the same vein, the G2s look much less "bulbous" when body side moldings are added, IMO. I've attached a photo of my car with the side moldings, although the picture isn't the best.

    Attached Files:

  9. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    You bring up a very good point, AO. In defense of the new layout, a few owners have suggested that they like the more immediate access to climate and radio controls. But I have to agree with you that once I have my radio set up, with presets, eq's adjusted, etc, I rarely need access to that level of control. So I also tend to like the "uncluttered" affect that having the MFD provides.

    Same for the climate controls. I usually set it to full automatic, then maybe change the fan speed to a manual setting, then forget about it. If I want to change the cabin temperature, I just use the up/down arrows on the steering wheel.

    Now that's an issue that I never thought of before: the new "cockpit" design mitigates against ease of use for taxi fleets. It would be interesting to hear feedback from Prius taxi fleet owners that have tried the new G3.

    Best wishes,

  10. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    That's exactly the issue that I am having, Dobey. I keep looking at them, wanting to make myself like them with regards to the exterior/interior aesthetics and interior functionality, but to this point I have not succeed.

    Best wishes,
  11. desertrider2215

    Jun 25, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Sat in the 3g, test drove it, etc. Liked it, BUT anything under package #5 looks cheap (mostly the weird looking wheels and the plastic fog caps). The inside was OK, but I like the inside of my 04 muchhhh better, and would rather keep the one i've got.

    It just has a different feeling inside a 2g than the 3g..I also don't like the fact that the lower-end models don't come with the touch screen, which is one of my favorite features.