Hi Rob, Since you appear to have an open mind to the alternative, you might have some interest in some of the programming from WBAI 99.5 in New York. M-F from 12:00 pm. - 1:00 pm. They have some pretty fascinating discussions on natural health, alternative healing, etc. Here's a link to their programming guide: WBAI, New York - 99.5 FM Pacifica Radio - WBAI Program Schedule Majid Ali (Monday and Tues), "Science, Health and Healing" is excellent, as well as "Take Charge of your Health" which airs on Fridays. "Global Medicine Review", also interesting. WBAI shows can be downloaded for one's future listening; in the archive section. You might also find some interesting articles on the Gary Null article archive: GARY NULL::Your Guide to Natural Living - ARTICLES I haven't followed Gary for a few years, but I did participate in a 6 month diet-wellness group back in 2001. Excellent experience and I went from unhealthy to very healthy. He's authored many books and certainly seems to have done his homework. A great resource, among many others out there. In the past several months I've heard a fair amount of discussion on the use of statin drugs vs. diet and supplements. I believe there is successful documented evidence of individuals being able to wean off of the statins and replacing them with a more theraputic diet and supplementation. I truly believe that diet and nutrition, as well as natural supplementation is key to controlling many of our health woes. I recognize that conventional pharmaceuticals are sometimes necessary and I see the need for both at specific times, but I believe the pharmaceuticals treat a symptom, rather than support a whole person. Sometimes one has to determine whether the side effects of the the pharmaceuticals are worth the risk for long term use. For example: is your liver, kidneys, immune system, etc , going to be compromised and/or damaged by the use of pharmaceuticals, or can you support the body in a more healthful way? Just some thoughts....
yeowch, the whole anti-vaccine schtick on Null's website makes me want to bash my head against the wall repeatedly... infectious disease rises as vaccine rates fall, and outbreaks among unvaccinated populations are on the rise everywhere. this puts us all at risk. that is an irresponsible position at best. funny how one has to be "open minded" in order to accept alternative medicine. i suppose it takes a bit of a leap of faith.
Vaccinations....? Pros and cons.... that's a totally controversial subject for a whole new thread... and I wasn't looking to open up a can of worms. I personally do not get yearly flu vaccinations and rarely get the flu. I'm not planning to get the "new" chicken pox vaccine to combat shingles. ...And while I've had Lyme disease several times I am opting not to get the Lyme disease vaccine. For some, I guess that's playing the odds. I just don't want to ignorantly drink the "kool aid" of the pharmaceutical companies. A multi-billion dollar industry with an advertising budget to match. Just read some of the possible side effects on many of the drugs that we are "encouraged" to take. Some of them are truly lethal. However, last year when I got a cat bite on a finger, I did go to the ER the next day when I saw the infection spreading and happily accepted IV penicillin because I knew extreme measures were needed for this particular situation... and I took the prescribed drugs for 10 days. I also boosted up my intake of antioxidents and vitamin C and probiotics to support and replenish my system. There is certainly a place for both modalities. As for Gary Null, yes, a controversial individual. I'm thankful that he "puts it all out there" for our individual consideration. And whether I agree or not, I do appreciate having the information to make my own personal decisions.
My two plump lazy housecats would NEVER EVER bite me. Just wanted to remind folks of that I haven't had answered the question if I can recycle my cat manure into something useful, like natural medicines or fertilizer or potent, banned-by-the-Geneva-Convention biological weapons
Neither would my 5 lazy housecats bite me. It was my friend's cat, Spooky ....spooked by everything and afraid of all... even on his deathbed, he still had one bite in him for me. LOL (yeah, I know...5 cats - that's what sometimes happens when one starts helping others). As for finding ways to recycle or use cat manure, perhaps you might be interested in these posts/articles: Animal Waste -- San Francisco Hopes to Turn Pet Feces Into Power or even this one: Re: recycling cat feces <[email protected]> However, given the possibility of toxoplasmosis, perhaps composting is not such a good idea - Toxoplasmosis in Cats I would also like to offer up one more 'medical' virtual library link for anyone's perusal. A bona fide credentialed MD; Dr. Majid Ali: Majid Ali's Aging Healthfully Virtual Library
Gotcha. The neighbors cat always hisses and arches his back at me, but AFAIK he does that to his owners too. Not sure if I would want an animal like that around I was thinking of turning my cat manure into potent biological weapons
Oddly enough, there are studies that also prove that having a pet around (Dog or cat) tends to make us healthier. So assuming having cats around doesn't drive me bonkers - too late! - I should be healthier
With a little simple preparation, that should be easy. Even the clay in the litter can be carcinogenic if you breathe in the dust. And that's before use. Just save up the treats for a few days in a warm and moist environment, until they grow long black hairs. After they've gone toxoplasmic, they're ripe for tossing in the nearest water supply or vegetable garden. The urine's pretty potent, too, if you can manage to collect a few samples. It's a good thing I've yet to be recruited by the dark side.
LOL... well this got non-serious in a hurry! packing up and moving is totally kicking my nice person right now, so maybe this is a good turn i'll be back to debate facts from our new place to live... in a few days.
It's nice to see there's a few other cat "softies" out here. I came across a few things that I thought might be of some interest. You might have seen the first one; L-Arginine: A Primer for Its Power by Dr. Prendergast; in pdf format. View attachment larginine.pdf The second is a link to Science Daily in reference to a research study by Duke University Medical Center researchers. Low-carb Diets Prove Better At Controlling Type 2 Diabetes I was pleasantly surprised to see some of the research Duke is doing on the subject of Diabetes and Arginine. Enjoy.
True, you won't feel a thing. I had to remove a dead squirrel from the barn once, and didn't notice for about two hours that a maggot was wiggling around on my bare legs (It was summer and I had shorts on). I wouldn't have noticed at all, but I happened to swat a mosquito and then noticed this tiny white thing wiggling among the hair. I would have thought just wiggling on my leg hair, I would have noticed it Considering it wasn't being a nuisance, I just gently brushed it off
oh, there's a ton of good stuff going on at Duke. i did train at the top of the game... but i was also happy to leave when the time came. well, we survived the move. mostly. i am just getting settled into the new job and we don't have home internet yet. i'm generally just exhausted and need to catch up on my sleep and recover. i'm still trying to figure out how one goes about using evidence to convince people who prefer to go on belief regardless of the evidence...
Impossible. Don't even waste your brain cells or air on that hopeless task. I prefer to ignore those sort of people, sometimes I require heavy drinking