Well I missed a prius mentioned on this forum yesterday by 8 minutes which meant I was still looking at 8 months, so I spent the afternoon calling dealer after dealer. Small towns sometimes have no list or very short but I kept looking and at the end of the day I found my car 1000 miles from home. The weather will be lousy for a 1000 mile drive this weekend so I'll probably ship it. Not sure. The point is, as has been made here before, if you really want this car, there is one, somewhere, waiting for you to find it. Peoples lives change and they cancel at the last minute. Other people wait for a specific color. Keep trying. Yesterday was a real roller coaster, but I found the exact car I was looking for at MSRP. My thanks to all the posters here for sharing their experience strength and hope. Good luck to other searchers. Ray
Don't know if you're taking suggestions, but I loved loved loved the shipping company that sent me my Prius. Cheapest estimate I got, and they managed to get it from availability in Montana to delivery in Florida in less than a week. 1st Choice Auto Shipping - www.1stchoiceshipping.com Congratulations!
So right after my last post, I bought a ticket to Denver, got there at 3:30, left the dealer at 6:00 last night and drove 1000 miles since then to get it back to Texas. Tonight it's sitting in my driveway. I really enjoyed it. I hope that fulfills Toyota's rather vague break-in recommendations. Anyone have an opinion on this. I didn't floor it but I did spend alot of time with the cruise set at 72 mph. I'm a little worried about this, but I really needed to get back in one day. Total cost with gas and flight was $250.00. Shipping would have been $800.00. I am so happy that the waiting list ordeal is over. Ray
Ray, I drove ours the first 300+ miles home at 70 mph, too. Our salesperson said there wasn't really a recommended break-in period. I guess the horse is already out of the barn if he was wrong!