I thought he did something else with swizzle sticks? Oh, 86 today. Lovely, I'm hopeful the lawn will dry out so it doesn't go squish when I walk on it
It's muggy here in the Bay Area today. I don't like muggy. Muggy should be banned. Muggy should go away. Oh and if anyone has any spare rain, SoCal could really use it right now.
As Larry Emdur would say; AuusieOwner, come on down!! I looked at the BOM rainfall maps and saw that the rains have been good in the southern corners, east and west but the rest of Australia has been very dry. I'm hoping for good grain crops although it will push my mortgage interest rate up it will be great for the state. Adelaide has had a day of 27 degrees Celsius in August. Where on earth did that come from? another 1 month map