Hi everyone, I am now the very proud owner of a beautiful 2010 blue ribbon metallic Prius IV with the much sought after "solar moon roof" (isn't that an oxymoron?), thanks to my buddy PriusRos for inspiring and nagging me through the purchase process. The car is exquisite, but it's missing the Virginia state inspection sticker I'm accustomed to getting when I plop down all those thousands of $$$ for a new vehicle. I'm a Virginia resident, but I bought the Prius in Maryland. Do any of you Virginians know if we have to buy our own VA inspection sticker, right out of the gate? I registered the car in VA, through the dealer, and I am waiting for them to send me my VA state tags. I was wondering if the inspection sticker might be included with the tags. If anyone knows the process, please enlighten me. Thanks!
I have an 09 that I bought in Rhode Island but registered in PA - the dealer knocked off the $45 for the 2 year RI inspection sticker from what I paid. I wound up having the car inspected myself in PA - cost was something like $98 for a single year - wow. I'd give a call to the dealership and ask - if they are not sending you a sticker (and my guess is that they are not, but that is just a guess) at least be sure that you did not wind up paying for a MD sticker.
These two links line up with what jim256 says in his post below. http://www.dmv.state.va.us/webdoc/citizen/vehicles/vehiclereg.asp http://www.vsp.state.va.us/Safety.shtm#InspectionProgram
I used to live in Richmond so this is a couple years dated, but I've had the same experience--you can't get it inspected until it has tags, then take it to any inspection station (dealers, independent garages, etc.). They'll do an inspection and affix the sticker. Your risk is being stopped with metal tags but no sticker--as long as you have the MD temp tag at least you have an excuse.
Maryland doesn't have an annual inspection like VA does. Our cars are inspected once, when we try to get it registered. The inspection is quite thorough, however. So don't worry about having any Maryland complications.
Thanks, all, for your replies. I checked with the MD dealer today and was told that yes, I would have to get the VA state inspection on my own, after I receive my tags. No, I didn't pay for a MD sticker. I don't expect to be stopped for not having a VA sticker in the meantime, because my temporary tags say "Maryland". I'm legal for now, at least. Ah, the fun surprises of buying cars out of state.
I live in NY but bought the car in NJ. The NJ dealer cannot do a NYS inspection. He gave me a temp plate for 20 days and he registered the car at the NYS DMV. Then all I had to do was go to a NYS inspection station for inspection. The guy there just entered the plate and vin in the computer. He didn't inspect a new car and just put the sticker on the windshield.
North Carolina does not put on the inspection sticker any more. It ended on or near June 2009. Maybe VA is also doing that?
I, like you did, purchased my "oxymoron" Prius out of state. I purchased mine in Louisiana and titled in Texas. It has a 2 year La. inspections sticker. I paid 175 bucks for License, Title and Notary Fees. I was looking or a line item that state I paid for a separate 2 year inspection sticker and didn't see that. In Texas, I believe that is separate line item that you pay for. So in short, I don't see where it was detailed out. I have asked around and many have suggested that you should get inspected for the state you live in. Now the down side is that I will pay 14 bucks for a 1 year sticker. Oh well. --Mickey
There is no inspection on a new vehicle with first title in Rhode Island for the first 24,000 miles or 24 months which ever comes first. The fee is now $39.00 for the two year inspection. The dealer gave you $45.00 which is the old fee charge last year. Good for you.
Virginia safety inspections used to be every 6 months, and a long time ago they changed it to once a year. Time to lobby the state legislature to get them to follow Rhode Island's lead.
Just to clarify--you don't get a sticker in NC, but it still must be inspected based upon your annual registration renewal date. On new cars, you have an inspection certificate from the dealer that must be carried in the vehicle to prove inspection, but after the first license renewal the records are online. For people moving in (probably for cars bought out of state, too), you must prove a state inspection within the prior 12 months before getting your registration. (And, they raised the inspection fee!)
You must get it inspected in VA. Since it's just a safety inspection, they might do the inspection with the temp MD tags on it but I'd get the VA tags first just to be sure.