I would say to try a station that has the rubber seals on the nozzles & see if you have the same problem there. if not, give up on your favorite station. If you do have the same problem, then you have bigger problems than can be addressed here. :lol:
When I say did not stop . I mean FULL power. Spilled about 1/4 Gallon before I stopped it. . Three other pumps had the issue at almost the same time. Even after I stopped the pump it kept belching fuel out. I put the gas cap back on and drove the car. The bladder must have been streched out. I am getting only about 40 MPG now. But I am still on the full mark and no CELL
This forum is absolutely stuffed with people who have overfilled their gas tank and had the whole filler pipe full as well as spilled gas all over the ground. Almost every Prius driver seems to do it at least once. I have yet to hear of anyone claiming that this is directly related to anything bad happening to their Prius (any provable related malfunctions or behavior). I wouldn't worry. Everyone here has done that worrying for you when it happened to them...
I fill my car as full as I can, but not to where I see gas in the filler neck. My car takes maybe 7-8 gallons before click off. Then I add maybe 3 more gallons .2 gallons at a time tapering to 0.02 gallons at a time, between clicks. I have only come close to belching I think a couple of times: Once it was I assume a less sensitive pump switch off and I heard the "gurgle" and stopped. The second time I was filling very slow to try to stop the click offs so often, and the pump seemed to not do the auto shutoff at all when I went very slow with it. So I do medium slow, let it click off and keep going till either it gurgles or I get to the 0.02g/click point and give up I do pull out the nozzle each 0.2 gallons toward the end to make sure I am not building up pressure. I've also tried going faster or slower during the first part of the fill but have noticed no differences. Either way it starts to click off 2-3 gallons from full. I have a 2005 that is supposed to have a good tank fill system and gauge. I normally fill up at the last bar blink point and the car takes only 10 gallons. I ran out of gas on purpose once, and the car never took 11.9 even then. I got only 11.5 in it that time!
That's how I do it to prevent 'belching' My phrase for this is 'burp the baby'. I usually put in 1 gallon, sometimes a bit more after the first click. Been able to do that for most of the cars I've owned.
DanMan, Same here but I chicken out and only put in about a half gallon after the pump auto-shut-offs on the lowest fill setting. I track mileage for BOTH settings. Details here: http://www.w8kc.com/priusmileage.htm Also Dan, you seem to know a lot about Prius wiring. Can I access the famous purple wire for the DVD NAV mod from the massive MOLEX plug behind the right center air vent cover?
Not sure what molex plug you are referring to, but check out the KB article on the speed disable defeat. I usually put in about .2 gallons at a time and check the level. When it is full-full, it will show at the neck and possibly slowly go down. I definitely stop then.
I filled up one time and the pump kept shutting off.I remembered i had seen a post on here to turn the nozzle up side down so did that and it worked fine. thanks to someone for the post....
I have had the opposite problem, which I find to be much more odius. That is, that I can only get in a gallon and a half and then the pump clicks off and I can't get much more in without the pump continually clicking off. In this situation I expect I should be able to get about five gallons in. I recommend that when either one of these problems occurs, then if the car is under warranty take it immediately to a dealer if that is possible for you to do. Someone on this forum posted a Toyota training document dealing with just the gas tank. The gas tank has a fairly elaborate system to keep overfills from happening and if you are getting this problem then this system is not working correctly. I consider the fact that this system sometimes does not work as it should, either by not letting you fill up or by not preventing overfills, to be a design defect that I would like to see Toyota rectify. They are unlikely to do anything about it, however, unless customers report problems.